221: A Day Is Actually A Very Long Time

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a/n: Somewhat early update x
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Some of MJ's insecurities ramble out he he, topic's an 'interesting' one, hopefully enjoy

At The Mikaelson Compound, Freya had been in the middle of her morning yoga routine when Klaus had barged in, then paused in surprise. He eyed up the purple mat she was using before speaking.

"What are you doing here?"

"I live here?"

"Yes," He sighed, "Obviously."

She stood up to change positions, somewhat zoning him out after recent events.

"I just hadn't realised you were back from wherever it is you go to when you leave."

"There's this thing called supernatural hearing," Kol joined them, drinking blood from the housekeeper in a glass, slightly damp hair, "Try using it."

"And you're home too," Klaus smiled falsely, "Fantastic."

"And here I thought I was in your good books."

"You and Mira vanished," He turned his nose up, "Then my sister spent a night in her bed without leaving behind a strange gentleman caller for me to scare away when I find him pilfering the contents of my refrigerator for breakfast."

"Ah," Kol sipped, "You are aware we're under no obligation to constantly update you on our whereabouts?"

"But it would be appreciated."

"Your concern," Freya stretched her back further down, "For my location is touching."

Spoken as sarcastically as possible.

"I simply wish to know who is here at any given moment!" Klaus defended, "I hardly think that's too much to ask!"

Kol almost laughed at the anger, only for Hayley to walk in, angry too, Elijah by her side.

She put her hand in the air, "As long as we're taking attendance."

"Oh, good!" Klaus growled, "It's my not-so-loving older brother and my former one-night stand!"

Hayley rolled her eyes.

"What a nice, normal family gathering."

"Charming," She got to the point, "Elijah was just catching me up on how you have no clue which one of your long-lost buddies you can trust and which one is trying to kill you."

She glanced at Kol.

"None of you thought to mention this last night?"

"Mira and Samu wanted a night without accusations and theories," He shrugged, enjoying the panic spreading across Elijah and Klaus's faces at her phrasing, "We had a dinner party. Funny how neither of you were invited."

Hayley didn't let him start that fire, "Backstabbing sires?"

"Clearly a situation that needed more opinions." Klaus glared at his elder brother, "I assume you told her about the bloody prophecy?"

Elijah smiled, Hayley turning to glare at him again, "I was just getting to that."

"Don't bother," A gust of wind, and MJ was leaning in the doorway, "Mantra of the week; focus on a prophecy, and you create a prophecy. Don't fall into the trap."

Kol raised an eyebrow, expecting her to be showering post-run at about that time.

Hayley simply stuck her arms out, "What prophecy?"

"It appears my old mate Lucien has acquired a genuine seer," Klaus took the turn to explain, "And in an effort to prove his good intentions, he got her to show us some rather dire visions of future doom."

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