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Right now, Tatiana just wanted to go to the library, where Elliot is. Aside from William, Elliot is the only one she can run to. She can't run to William now that everything is a mess and Elliot is the only person she can talk to and keep her mind off of things.

"Your Highness," a voice said. She was put to a sudden halt when someone greeted her. She lifted her head up and saw Bjorn together with the other knights, but Morgan wasn't with them.

"Let me go! I demand you to let me go!" the teacher shouted from the back as she was being dragged away by the guards, "this is unfair, your highness! How could you do this to an old woman like me!"

Tatiana's face remained stern and didn't look back. The knights looked at the commotion and exchanged looks with each other in the commotion. Bjorn's eyes looked at the woman being dragged away and down to Tatiana, who didn't even have the slightest guilt in her expression.

Tatiana looked away, but Bjorn's stare pierced through her. She felt his eyes on her and judged her.

"And just when I thought something in you had changed," he said in a sarcastic tone, "you are still someone who does that to people. That isn't fit for someone like you, your highness."

She looked up at him with a bitter expression. She wasn't supposed to care about what Bjorn said. They hate each other.

"You don't even know what happened. Who are you to judge me?" she asked meekly, "I don't care anyway. Just think whatever you want about me."

She walked away, bumping into Bjorn's arms. Bjorn didn't even budge, but what happened to him irritated him and made him look back at the princess who was marching away from him.

He whispered to himself, "She always does what she wants," She didn't even bother to cover things up and explain it to me."

Tatiana soon entered the library. The library was as peaceful as usual, and she immediately felt calmness.


A boy emerged from a table of books and came running towards her. Tatiana smiled and greeted the boy with a hug.

"You don't come by here as much these days," Elliot said while pouting. "I have so much to talk to you about!"

"I'm sorry, Elliot. Things have been busy for me these days." She apologized as they walked towards the study table and sat on the bench, "but I'm here now!"

"Why do you look tired?" Elliot asked, examining his sister's face. She had dark circles under her eyes and her face wasn't glowing as usual. Even her smile seemed forced. "Are you alright, Tiana?"

Tatiana smiled at what Elliot had called her. Since Tatiana seemed too long and too formal for both of them, Elliot developed a special nickname for her.

"I'm fine now that I'm here, Elli," she joked. Elliot shook his head at laughed with her. Everything seemed to be better when she was with him. Maybe it's because of his innocence and youth that makes everything feel better than it usually is.

"What are you working on right now?"

"Oh! That's right! I found this new book about colors! I discovered that each of the colors has its own meanings, like red is for power and passion, blue is for peace and the sky, and yellow is for happiness and excitement! "

"What color do you think suits me?" Tatiana asked him. Elliot looked at her and thought hard about what to answer. Elliot is thirteen and is more mature than kids his age. His intelligence is also on par with that of men who go to the academy, who are usually seventeen or eighteen. But when he's with Tatiana, his inner child is free. He feels like he can be a kid whenever he's with Tatiana, and that means so much to him.

"To me, you're the color yellow. Everything is more fun and exciting when I'm with you. You also make me happy and optimistic, and you make me feel like I'm not alone. You make me want to be a stronger person," he shyly told her, "but that differs with everyone. To some people, you might be the color blue, or white, or pink."

Tatiana's heart softened and melted. This is the first time that anyone has ever told her that she makes them happy. To think of it, this is the first time that someone has shared their personal feelings with her. She smiled and pinched her brother's cheeks.

"Why are you so sweet?" Tatiana squealed, "I'm so happy to have a brother like you. Thank you for being born, Elliot."

Elliot felt a feeling he'd never felt before. He started to get teary-eyed, and he didn't know what to do about it. That was the first time he heard it from someone. He would always hear his mom say that she wished that he hadn't been born if he was this weak. And why was he sickly when they did everything?

Just hearing someone say that they are thankful that he's here and alive made him extremely happy, and if only Tatiana knew how much this meant to Elliot.

Elliot wanted to thank Tatiana when suddenly the door burst open. The queen entered the library, her face was red from fuming anger.

"My queen, you can't do this!"

The palace workers tried to stop the queen. William was also there, but there was no stopping her. She marched towards Tatiana who was confused at the sudden visit.

"You wench!" she shouted and a slap echoed on the glass walls of the library.



Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now