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Bjorn wanted to go near the princess and scold her when she attempted to enter the pond. Doesn't she know that water freezes during the night?

It was a good thing that she did not continue to do it and instead sat in the corner of the fountain. It looked like she was staring down at her reflection, but when Bjorn looked at her closely, tears started streaming down the princess's face.

Tears fell on the pond, and the princess almost immediately wiped the tears away. She wiped the tears that rolled down her face but new and fresh ones came falling down one after another, like an endless stream.

She started to sob and whimper, grasping her chest and choking on her tears. The princess finally exploded, and though it was supposed to be a private affair, Bjorn couldn't help but gaze at her, though it felt prohibited to do so.

Something stirred in him. That was the first time he saw the mean princess cry. That was the first time he had ever seen her that miserable. A part of him felt joy when he finally saw the person he hated crying, but most parts of him felt angry, confused, and surprised.

He wanted to know why she was crying when she was the one who made people cry all the time. He wanted to know what the reason was and how hurt she was, to the point that it made her shed tears.

His mind became cloudy, then his feet started to walk forward on their own. He was about to reveal himself and go to the princess when the princess suddenly spoke.

"Who's there?" he called, her voice wavering and croaking.

A person from the shadows emerged. He had his usual poker face that looked like he was always uninterested in everything that surrounded him. He was also wearing a white tunic and a baldric filled with daggers.

"My apologies," the boy said, "I did not mean to be creepy. And I was not staring at you secretly. I was just finding my way to the training grounds and this was a shortcut towards there."

Tatiana naturally wiped her tears and grinned at him.

"It's alright," she said. "Morgan, right? We met each other?"

"Yes, princess."

"Will you stop calling me that?" she told him. "I don't like being called that."

"Called what? Princess?"


"But you are the princess. Why?"

"I just—" It feels fake. Tatiana couldn't continue but smiled at him instead. "I just hate that word."

"But any girl would love to be called that."

Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now