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The princess should never go near alcohol ever again, even if it is just by accident.

While the others continued drinking, Bjorn brought the princess upstairs to her room, but it was not an easy task. The princess struggled, fought, and squirmed to get away from Bjorn. The captain of the knights trusted that she could walk on her own, but as soon as Bjorn placed her on the floor, the princess grinned and dashed away.

"Tatiana!" Bjorn's voice boomed, but the princess continued running away. He had no time for games and it was already past midnight. How did the girl find the energy to still do this.

He should have known. Tatiana is only fifteen turning sixteen in a few months, and she is still not allowed to drink alcohol, and being the only fifteen-year-old in a place full of adults, she took the wine, thinking it was plain juice, and brought it with her in the living area where she drank half of it on her own.

Bjorn had just come back from evening training outside the mansion when he found the princess sitting on the floor, hugging the jar of wine with a face as red as a tomato. He thought that the princess was done for the night, but it turned out that this was only the beginning of a chaotic night.

"I'm free!" Tatiana squealed while she ran in circles, "I'm free!"

"Stop that," Bjorn demanded, "go to sleep."

"Wee!" Tatiana managed to dodge Bjorn's arm and ran away. She went to the study area and attempted to climb the bookshelves when she got stuck in the air, too scared to go up and too scared to go down.

"Halp! Halp!"

"Goodness, Tatiana," Bjorn groaned and grabbed her waist with only one arm and carried her down, "Stop acting like a kid."

"Bjorn," the princess whispered and waved her hand at Bjorn, making him lean closer, "I have a secret."

Bjorn rolled his eyes and grabbed her by the arm, "let's go, you did enough."

"No!" she screamed, "don't you want to hear my secret?"

"Fine, what?"

Tatiana covered her mouth and giggled, "Actually, I'm not from here."

"Yeah, you're from the palace."

"No! I don't mean that!" Tatiana shook her head, "actually, I'm from the real world!"

"Okay, that's enough." Bjorn swept her up into his arms, making her yelp.

"I hate you," Tatiana whispered, her arms wrapped around Bjorn's neck, "I hate you so much."

"The feeling's mutual."

"All I wanted was for you to love me," her voice started to become weak, "is loving me that hard?"

"It is hard," Bjorn answered as he walked up the stairs. He was being honest, loving someone like her is not easy. And he did not even bother lying since he always told her that even if she is not drunk.

Bjorn had no plan to get married. It was never in his plans, but if it does come to that, he would want a girl who is kind, soft, and gentle. A girl who loves him for who he is and makes him want to become a better person and brings out the best in him. But the princess was not that kind of person. The princess makes him realize things that he never knew and makes him feel things that he had never felt before. And instead of wanting to become a better person, the princess only brings out the bad in him.

"Let me down," the princess mumbled, but Bjorn continued walking. He did not trust her enough to let her down. "Let me down, I won't run away."

"Who are you kidding?"

"I promise, I will just go see the kids."

Bjorn was hesitant at first but he finally decided to let her down. He blocked the way down the stair in case she ran but she entered the children's room as promised.

The room was dark but the large windows allowed the moon's light to lit the room. Beds were lined, another bed across one. Soft snores filled the room, toys, and books were scattered on the floor.

Tatiana walked lightly across the room, humming a soft and musical tune and her dress dragging behind her. She checked if the children had blankets and fixed their pillows and kissed them good night. She moved from bed to bed and smiled down at the children.

A toddler suddenly woke up and started crying. Tatiana immediately went to her and embraced her in her arms. She whispered soft words of comfort and cradled her softly in her arms. The toddler's eyes started to feel heavy again, sleepy from the warm embrace, and finally went to sleep.

Bjorn stayed at the door, watching Tatiana do her stuff. There is something about the moon's light hitting her hair making it glow under its shine and her songs making the place feel safe and magical. There was something about Tatiana holding a child in her arms with so much care that even Bjorn wanted to be there.

He immediately removed the thought. He convinced himself that he was just tired.

Soon after, Tatiana was done and walked on her own to her room. Bjorn followed her there to make sure she didn't run away and stay where he left her. She lay in bed and stared at him.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, "I'm sorry for putting you into a situation you did not want and cornering you."

Bjorn paused, at loss for words. He could not believe that the princess of the kingdom was apologizing to him. Instead of answering, he pulled the blanket over her and tucked her in bed.

"I'm going to call off the engagement," Tatiana said, her eyes slowly closing. "You deserve someone else, someone better than a villainess like me."

Bjorn paused, his face turned back to Tatiana.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'm sure you will find her soon enough, the heroine of your story."

He's aware that she's drunk. It's something that she won't remember when she wakes up. But Bjorn found himself wishing that she wouldn't remember. Suddenly, he lists reasons in his mind, reasons why the princess does not love him like she used to.

"Is it because of the man that you mentioned in your dreams?"

The princess mumbled, "Simon."



Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now