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By the time Tatiana entered her room, it was all cleaned up and Manuel was not there anymore. Instead, she saw a note on the table that read.

'Ring a bell if you need me. Best wishes, darling! '

It was written with beautiful penmanship and had a kiss mark on the side. A smile appeared on Tatiana's face, and she shook her head. The day was long and she wanted to relax for the rest of the night, so after her night bath, she sat down took her table, and took out the pieces of paper from its drawer.

"Morgan is kind," she whispered to herself as she placed a check beside the boy's name. "and funny too."

It was awkward that she got caught while she was bawling, but the knight gave her a laugh. These last few days were not easy for her at all, but if she counted the good things that happened instead of pondering the bad things, maybe it could make her feel better.

The incident at the tea party will make the ladies hate her and their husbands too. But the image of the previous Tatiana was already tainted, so she had nothing to lose. Although she felt like what happened was refreshing and lifted a heavy weight off of her chest.

"Your highness, it is William."

"You may enter."

The door opened and William entered the room. Tatiana got up from her chair to greet him.

"William, a lot of things happened at the tea party and the queen—"

She froze. William entered the room with someone behind him. It was Emma.

"Oh my gosh."

Emma awkwardly said, "Good-good evening, your highness." She gave a courtesy. Tatiana looked at William with wide eyes, like she was asking him what all of this was about. William briefly closed his eyes and nodded at the princess.

"What-what brings you here?" the princess asked.

"May I have permission to say something?" Emma asked, lowering her head and staring at the floor.

"Yes, you ma-may."

"I have discovered something today."


Tatiana's anxiety was already hitting the roof. Emma had her own ways of making Tatiana feel nervous.

'Why doesn't she get straight to the point?! She's making me nervous about everything!' She thought to herself.

Emma hesitated to tell her as she might get beheaded for being so thick-faced, but Tatiana's anxiety, is already at its threshold.

Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now