5: Monster?

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

Jimin looked tense when Jungkook was just standing in the same position while the human was trying to fight off his nightmare.


"Check him," Hearing the order, the blond beta wasted no second as he was already feeling the forehead of the human only to find a reduced fever.

The blue-haired breathed loudly, feeling suffocated because of the sensation over his skin, the burn on his neck was more disturbing and after what felt like fighting off the horrible pain, he opened his eyes with a loud gasp.

His hazy gaze was too unfocused to see the two unknown males in an unknown room, his slightly numb hands were desperate to get rid of the burning over his neck at a specific point and the heart palpitations were uncontrollable when nothing worked as his desire.

Jimin was beyond surprised to see the most mesmerizing eyes of the young human, but what made him worried was the pained expression on the pale face.

Jungkook wasn't different when he saw the human breathing heavily, all while trying to get rid of the bandage over his neck. Something ugly stirred inside his heart when the human almost fell back on the mattress while grunting in pain and weakness.

"Please, calm down. You are safe, try to breathe slowly," Jimin carefully started and softly took hold of the trembling hands of the blue-haired who was so out of the situation.

"My neck- hurts- stop it... please." Taehyung weakly tried to remove the bandage again only to get his hands in the hold of a stranger.

"Ok, I will do it, but you need to calm down first and drink some water." Jungkook clenched his fists, finding a strong urge to replace Jimin and handle his mate in the softest ways possible. The heart beating inside his ribcage was rhythmic with the human's erratic one, and he just wanted to soothe the male.

Jimin hurriedly reached for the jug and the glass on the side table before pouring some for the human. Taking the glass closer to the pale lips, the blond urged the human to drink and the latter did so.

Taehyung took a few gulps, only to feel queasy, maybe because of his empty stomach but his senses were back to only one thing, that burning skin.

"Ah, please-" The broken plead made Jungkook step forth and in the next moment, he had Taehyung's hand in his own, trying to soothe the human but what he didn't expect was a little push on his chest.

"Yo- you!" Jimin was now more alert, knowing well that the human must be distressed and traumatized after the unexpected incident days before.

Taehyung's eyesight was now cleared when he noticed the glass moving away from his lips, but another wave of pain made him stutter out a plea. Slowly, very slowly, his brain worked and reminded him that his surroundings were unknown, the people were unknown, and what happened was vaguely blurry.

All he could remember was a monster with white eyes who sank white, sharp fangs into his neck before suckling the life out of his body. Before he could clear out more about his blurry memory, a hand again took hold of his right one and his whole attention fell on the person standing there.

The little hazy expression was long gone when the face of the person was enough to remind him of everything happening in the night, causing him to push the male away with a weak effort.

"Yo- you!"

"Calm down, Luna. No one is going to hurt you." Jimin tried again, blurting out the title of the human only to regret it when the blue-haired looked more terrified.

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