56: Unrepairable

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Warning ⚠️: Read at your own risk. (No cursing is allowed)

Third person P.O.V

Darkness, void... abyss, no, helplessness, utter helplessness was the strongest emotion that ever crossed his heart that moment. The emotion of being a weak human, a weak human who couldn't even do anything to protect the male who lay in front of him, lifeless... voiceless... without his warmth. But why did his mind not accept that?

The calls of his names were long gone away from his brain which had stopped working since the body was dropped near his knees.

"HAN MINHYUK! YOU BASTARD! WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?! What you... why did you do that?" Wangji's voice wavered when he felt no sense of the warmth of life from the male who happily considered him a brother as he did with Taehyung.

The old man just scoffed, going back to face Wangji while Jungkook's heart cried tears of blood at the sight of his broken mate. Being broken was painful, but witnessing your beloved getting shattered in front of your eyes is beyond painful.

"You should stay put for a while, Wangji. I'll definitely give you your demanded attention, so shut up till then." Wangji seethed, his hands bleeding in the restraints of the ropes, and in the end, he was forcibly pushed down on the floor again.

"Tae? Pup?" Jungkook's quivering voice didn't reach Taehyung's ears who just stared blankly at Hoseok's body. Gulping thickly, Jungkook tried to shake off the forces, keeping him still and bound, but it only resulted in making him bleed more from the stab wound. But did it hurt? No, the way his heart and soul were hurting, nothing physical could compare to that ever. Seeing the blank, confused eyes as if his mind was refusing to accept anything anymore, Jungkook felt thousands of those stabs down his soul, making him beyond regretful about everything... everything!

"Don't take it to your heart. We never meant to hurt him, but he was making chaos, and when my people fought back, he couldn't bear it." Shrugging with the most shameless smirk, Minhyuk made his hand glow, and the next second, everyone was shocked to see the scene unfolding there.

Taehyung had his eyes shifted to the shadows cast upon him, a firm but slouched back covering him while he saw the little puddle of blood before that shield, more shadows there.

"Xiao Wangji! Why do you have to intervene every time?!" The loud voice of Minhyuk echoed in the hall, and noticing deeply, the little quiver was there, very little, but it held emotion...

Wangji chuckled, his lips tainting red when he coughed, clutching the chest that was stained all crimson when he felt a hand grabbing his left one. The coldness and shivering told him, it belonged to the person he never ever thought of holding hands with.

Turning his head lightly, he tilted it and grinned at the raven-haired male who had wide eyes, not only wide, but tear-filled wide eyes... those eyes which were showing concern, care, and pain for him, something really came unexpected, and he was contented about that unexpected thing, maybe grateful, too.

"Are you caring about... about me, Jeon?" 

Taehyung blinked dumbfounded, still frozen at his place, disconnected from the whole surroundings when those words entered his disheveled brain.

Jungkook clenched his jaw when his hand was squeezed back, and Wangji stared at him with somewhat grateful eyes. But why? Why now?! "Don't you dare, Wangji." Those words were very difficult to convey, but he did, he did with all of his might seeing the dying shine in those eyes which reflected the light of a big brother... a shoulder of support, something he had experienced before from his hyungs, but again... it felt different, maybe because they were related in many ways.

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