𝕊𝕦𝕣𝕡𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖𝕤 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔼𝕩𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤

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Cᴏᴍᴛᴇ POV

I looked at Ivory's friends. They looked confused. I can not blame them. It would seem rather strange to hear that you are seated at a table with the greatest men in history. It's no wonder they would feel confused and probably even suspicious if they are lying.

However, my eyes drifted more towards Ivory. She had an almost sinister grin on her face.

Then there came a chuckle from her lips, which turned into a laugh, which turned into a loud cackle. Everyone stared at her. Some looked uncomfortable. Others seemed to be genuinely concerned. Ivory's cackling soon subsided. Then she spoke.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" she said, still laughing a little. "I just can't help but laugh at your stupidity!" That seemed to get her friend confused and slightly offended.

Marcus then banged his fists on the table. "What the hell is that supposed to mean Ivory?!"

Ivory looked very smug. "The looks on your faces say it all! You all don't clearly believe what they're saying! You guys don't even know what's going on!"

Now, her friends stared at her with even more confusion. Ivory continued. "You have no idea where we are, what these people are, or even what situation we've gotten ourselves in!"

"Get to the point please, Ivory," Basil asked, his right hand massaging his temples. These kids have a rather...strange friendship. "Oh, my pleasure!" Ivory chuckled.

"I'm sure you have noticed I have been quiet for a while. Well, I was merely...observing this place. Now, from what I have concluded so far, this is not our modern-day France. We have got ourselves stuck in a case of unintentional time travel and we have ended up in 19th century France specifically." Ivory then pauses for a few seconds. "Long story short, we have gotten ourselves stuck in a time-slip."

My eyes widened. I looked around to see that everyone was just as shocked as I was.

"H-How did you know that?" Basil stammered. Ivory smirks at his question.

"If you remember when we first came here, the aura in this place felt...familiar. Looking out one of the windows in the hall I found that it was nighttime outside and from what I could see, the city had changed. So, naturally, I deduced that we DEFINITELY weren't in the Louvre anymore. In fact we weren't even in our present time. And I would know a time-slip when I see one."

"Oh...yeah, kinda forgot about that..." Brio mumbled. I raised an eyebrow at her comment and lifted my hand up slightly. "What...exactly do you mean by that?"

Brio turned her head to me. "Ivory has experienced a time-slip before and has a hard time forgetting it," she explained. Ah, that's why...

Ivory spoke again, "Yes, yes. But there is something else I noticed here: these people." Wait, does she-

"Seriously, more?!" Marcus complained. Ivory's eyebrow slightly twitches at this. "I'd appreciate it if you DIDN'T interrupt me just to complain." Marcus rolled his eyes. Well...they really do not seem to get along well. Ivory continued.

"Anyway. You all have focused on WHO these men are. However, you guys know WHAT these men are."

Marcus' palm hit his face. "Another riddle?! Seriously Ivory, just get to the damn point already!" Ivory looked at him with a very nonchalant look before continuing with her explanation.

"Well, a while ago when we first met Arthur and Mozart, you may recall Arthur calling us scrumptious. While most of you were way too busy being grossed or weirded out, I took that as a valuable little piece of evidence. Then look back at when Mozart made a rather snide comment about us being here and calling us irritating. When Brio tried to fight back by saying we aren't even meant to be here, he said and I quote "Who cares. Why don't you just go back then? Unless you all enjoy the idea of being everyone else's food." So this left me with another strange piece of evidence. However, there is one last piece of evidence that will bring this little mystery to an end. If you'll excuse me..."

Ivory then stood up and rushed into the kitchen. Everyone stared in shock at how fast she ran.

"Ugh, this is why we can't bring Ivory anywhere. It's because of this!" Marcus complained, again. Soon Ivory came out and sat down again.

"Now before I explain, a small recap for the rest of my party mates. You all remember that one case we had to look into that involved a vampire marquess making those evil war forges?" The rest of her friends nodded. "Well, do you guys remember that small vial of that strange white elixir?"

"Oh yeah, a blood replacement elixir, was it?" Brio said. Ivory nodded.

"Well, I could smell this from the kitchen." Ivory then held up a vial filled with blanc. Wait, how did she-

"And that's not all. I also found this." Ivory then brought out a vial filled with rouge! She...She knows!

Ivory then placed the vials back on the table. "This vial contains actual human blood. So, my conclusion: the people in this room are vampires."

Everyone in the room was speechless. The silence, however, did not last for long.

"Their silence very much confirms I'm correct," Ivory said with a smirk.

"And you didn't bother to tell any of us?!" Becky yelled annoyed. Ivory simply chuckled.

"I had to make sure my little observation was correct." Ivory then turned her head to Arthur.

"But honestly, I must thank both you and Mozart for digging up everyone's graves here. I didn't even need to hand you the shovel to do so," she crooned. That was probably the only time I saw Arthur with a very uncomfortable look on his face.

"Ugh, typical Ivory. You stupid idiot," Marcus mumbled to himself. Ivory turned to him with a grin but I could clearly see the tick mark on her face. She then let out a breath without saying anything. I turned to Sebastian, he had a very proud smirk on his face.

"Sebastian, is there a reason for that smirk of yours?" I questioned him. He then turned to me, the same smirk still planted on his face.

"Apologies, my lord. I'm just so proud. They all haven't seemed to have changed one bit," He said slightly pridefully but also nostalgia seemed to lace his voice.

"Do you know her? And if you do, how?" I asked him.

"Yes. In fact, I also know the rest of her friends. As for how, they are my students," he explained. I was shocked. I looked at the young teenagers.

"Is this true?" I asked. All of them nodded their heads.

"We've been trying to find him ever since he went missing," Raymond explained. Ah, That must be when Sebastian found the door here.

"And now, we finally did," Gwendolyn added. Sebastian chuckled at the young teenagers.

"Well, this certainly is a pleasant surprise," I said, smiling.

However, there's something that is still bothering me. I need to make absolutely sure if my gut instinct is serving me right. Although, is it really necessary-

"Hey..." My thoughts were interrupted by Brio. We all turned our attention to her.

"I know this may seem like a weird question but have any of you realized that some of the people here share so many similar features to us?" She pretty much took the words out of my mouth. So, she noticed too...

"I see you have noticed as well. I was just about to bring it up," I replied to her.

"If I may request, after the banquet, I need everyone to follow me in the library. I need most of you there for a little...experiment," I requested. They all looked at me in confusion but didn't bother to question me and simply nodded their heads.

Could my suspicion be correct...?

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