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An hour ago, after Priya's gynaecology checkup has done and the doctor has taken two DNA samples from Priya's body, Teju noticed few skin in her nails.

It could be a concrete evidence, doctor took the samples and send it to lab for DNA results.

After getting the result the investigating officer only had to check citizen database, but they already knew the culprits are police officers they checked only their employees database and made a complete result which was a concrete evidence again Priya's culprits.

The two females cops took the result in their hand and marched to those two officers who were sitting in the waiting lounge with fake sad faces.

"Excuse me office Sharma and officer Khanna, can we talk for a few minutes?"

The four officers went to a deserted corner.

"We are informed that your sister-in-law Priya Rai has gang raped. Her obstetrics check-up has done under our security and we got the result." A female cop got to the point.

The two culprits looked at each other being horrified. They were imagining that even if the hospital staff will come to know about Priya's rape, they will inform them first as they are police officers and her family as well. They didn't imagine in their wildest dreams that her checkup will be done by the hospital with other cops behind their back.

"It looks like our result is correct." Another female cop said with evil smirk showing the envelope of the report.

"What was that mean." Mr. Sharma asked in a stiff tone.

"The DNA sample from Priya's body, the skin sample in her nails, the scratch on your arm and Mr. Khanna's neck and not to miss the horrified look on your faces saying it all. Mr Sharma and Mr. Khanna you two are the culprit." Cop said with confidence.

"What nonsense are you spitting, we are respectable public servants. You must respect your senior officers otherwise you will be in trouble." Mr. Sharma said angrily.

"Huh, you should take care of the trouble you are going to end up, coz we have proof against you two." Female cop also retorted angrily looking in his eyes with hatred.

Mr. Kannan immediately meddled between them otherwise the situation could be worsen for them.

"Boss, please calm down and officers you two also please relax. We all are police officers why to fight with each other. We are colleagues, we should help each other in every thick and thin."

Both female cops didn't say anything and looked at each other. Now when the situation was bit calm Mr. Khanna continued persuading the officers.

"Officers, even we are respectable officers and didn't commit any crime before, it's just happened coz we were seduced, it was like a set up on purpose. As fellow officers you should help us, I promise you guys will have our back always." Mr. Khanna said with all his fake innocence.

Female cops didn't say anything, again just looked at each other like deciding whether they should trust fellow officers or a victim.

"Don't think too much officer, your help can be beneficial for us, but I promise it will benefit you too as much as you want." This time Mr. Sharma said and indirectly offered them bribe.

The both ladies once again looked at each other and beckoned something.

"Ok, tell me how much it will be beneficial?" One cop asked.

"As much as you want......"

The four corrupt officers cracked the deal, the online transfer had been done and they laughed evilly after selling a poor victim's last ray of hope.

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