Prank Or Plan

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"No, my sweetu, you are cute, cutie just like my Sunny."


Karan felt rug swept out from under her feet. He can't believe his ears what did he just listen.

"You know whenever I look at you I feel like you are some Sunny whom I used to love so much."

Karan realised Teju has some hidden traces of her memories which are coming out gradually.

Teju named Sunny to Karan many years ago and since the day she left after tossing ring on him and they both parted ways, he prohibited everbody to address him Sunny.

He got Teju back after many years and being fall for her again, he was so engrossed in his romantic world that forgot the reality. Today Teju used this name again and brought him back to the harsh reality of their life.

He forgot to think about the scenario after she will recover her memory. He and Teju both had a painful separation, then what will be her reaction after seeing him as her husband.

No, he has no right on love of Teju when she is not in her true senses. He has to refrain himself.

"Sunny, please tell me why this is happening to me?" Teju asked again and zoomed Samrat out of his thoughts.

He composed himself and picked the glass of lemonade again.

"Teju when you asked me to listen to you first, I did as you said, now it's your turn to obey me, please drink it first."

Teju nodded her head like an obedient child. "Ok....."

She had lemonade sip by sip and felt gradually started getting sober, but she had terrible headache and dizziness.

"Ahh, HK, my head is buzzing like a drum." Teju said and massaged her forehead while moaning softly.

"Finish your lemonade first you will feel better. It's a best drink for hangover, then get freshen up." Karan said solemnly.

Teju nodded and finished her lemonade between moan because of headache and keep on massaging her forehead. Then she took a nap of 10 minutes and got ready again after get freshen up and touch up.

She was all looking fresh again re-enter to the party, but hesitant with the thought that she got drunk and created scene just now, remeber everything vividly.

"How are you feeling now?" Karan asked.


"Great, let's go then......" Karan said and walked, but Teju stood there fidgeting with fingers, thinking something deeply.

Karan turned and saw her lost in thoughts. "What's wrong, is there anything bothering you?"

"Karan I am sorry for getting drunk and creating fuss for no reason, I must have embarrassed you, don't know how I got drunk." Teju sincerely apologized, feeling ashamed for ruining Karan's party.

"It's ok Teju, you didn't do it in purpose, somebody must have spiked your drink. Don't think so much, let's go there guests must be looking for us."

Karan consoled Teju gently, held her hand and walked, but Teju stopped him.

"Karan, there is something I want to ask you." Teju said with blush.


"Even though I remember whatever I was blabbering being tipsy, I addressed you by a nick name. I don't remember that name, please help me recall what was that."

Teju was recalling hard thinking about her drunken drama, bold confession and all kind of blabber.

'Ahh......' Karan gasped inwardly.

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