The Wedding Night

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Teju was standing at the edge of the bed rose on her feet to pull of the balloon.

Karan's loud yell made her stumble, fell and landed in Karan's arms with a balloon in her hand.

They both looked at each other while landing into the most unexpected situation smelling sweet aroma of fluorescent candle with their every breath and locked into a passionate eye lock.


The sound of the balloon bursting zoomed Karan and Teju out making them break the eye lock. Teju realised that she is lying in Karan's arms and wiggle to get out.

Karan put her down and looked at her hand which was bleeding because she unknowingly pierced the hair pin in the balloon and on her wrist as well.

"Oh, it's bleeding......" Karan held her wrist out of concern for first aid, but Teju pulled her wrist with jerk and moan in pain.


Because of harsh pull blood started gushing more severely. Karan fetched the first aid box, took cotton swab and forward his hand to hold Teju's injured wrist, but she took a step back.

"No need to show fake concern, I can take care of myself." Teju said in a heavy voice.

The pain of injured wrist is nothing in comparison of her injured heart. She is yelling and crying inwardly but helpless to endure it. He was invincible and she was vulnerable, but she can at least protest.

'The blood is gushing from the wrist, she is wincing in pain, still throwing all tantrum to not letting me help and Prince and Aly were advising me to deal with her with love.'

Karan gained the temper again. He held his arm and pulled her making her strike to his broad chest. She wiggled to get free, but he didn't let go of her.

Karan looked at the beautiful face in front of him and said in a polite tone only for her. "Calm down, don't be fussy with me, ok?"

He dragged her towards the bed gripping her arms tightly, made her sit and did her first aid fast before she protest anymore. Even though she wiggled few times between dressing, but Karan didn't let go of her hand.

"It's done......" Karan stood up after completing the bandage.

"By the way, what were you doing just now, to get yourself injured?" Karan asked while looking around the messed room keeping both hands on the waist.

Teju recalled the reason she lost it few moments before and stood up being indignant all over again.

"Don't ask me what was I doing, answer me what did you do with this room? What were your planning, are you going back from your words? What kind of shit was spinning in your little brain?"

Teju looked into his eyes with her big doe eyes, sniffing cute little red nose and raised her eyebrows keeping both hands on her curvy waist.

"This bridal outfit, decorations for the wedding night, cake, champagne, wine, cherries and these sweet aromatic candles, what is all this for?"

"It's nothing...." Karan didn't pay heed to her blabber, lossened the knot of his neck tie, said carelessly and head towards his cabinet to fetch an outfit to get change

Teju couldn't tolerate his nonchalant attitude about this matter, he pulled his arm making him turn and face her.

"How could you answer so casually, do you think me a fool? I can guess your intentions very well...."

"I have no such intentions....." Karan yelled and cut her of, but couldn't stop her, she got more indignant.

"Huh, the entire preparations are pointing towards only one direction and you are still lying brazenly......."

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