The Shock

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On the way back home an unusual silent prevailed in the car even in the presence of Teju.

Karan has so many things in his mind, Teju's drunken confession, calling him Sunny and the truth behind her spiked drink. He is not getting whether to reciprocate Teju's feelings or to wait for her to get back the memory or chase her enemy first.

Teju was in a deep thoughts about the conversation of Varun, Adaa and the way Dhanya stopped them to talk and took her far from them. She is not naive to not to get their intention. They were trying to hide something from her.

Teju thought to ask Karan coz he is straightforward guy, whereas Karan decided to let Varun find out the hidden card of the enemy and he will focus on Teju's memory treatment first.

"Karan may I ask something?"

The long silence between the couple was broken by Teju.

"Shoot....." Karan said indifferently.

"Do you think somebody had spiked my drink with an ulterior motive?"

"Of course not, why would somebody will harm you on purpose, when you didn't do anything wrong. It's just that my wife is a big prankster and for the first time she got the taste of her own medicine."

Karan concealed his stiff expressions and try to sound as causal as he can and said bit teasingly at the end while looking straight.

Teju smiled listening to him, but she was still not at ease. "Then why VB and AK were doubting?"

"They both are overprotective towards you, that's why have murdering intentions against the person who pranked on their sister, isn't it too much?"

The car stopped in front of Kundrra mansion and Karan and Teju hoped out. Karan said last line but dramatically and teased her to distract her from the subject.

Teju laughed, enjoying Karan's light jokes and he felt her laughter sounds was like jingle bells.

"It's quite late and was a hetic day, let's call it a night, get shower, change and go to sleep. You must be tired." Karan said while taking his blazer of as they stepped into their bedroom.

Teju rendered surprise. This is the first time they both attend any party as a couple that too to announce their wedding.

Now they are officially couple and for the first time behaved as a couple in the public. She was expecting the couple thing in the private too coz they both confessed their feelings and the perfect time to move on in the relatioship, then why Karan is drawing the line again between them?

Karan was moving to fetch a pair of night pants but Teju held his hand from behind making him stop. He turned and raised his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?"

"Are you mad at me for creating nauseous being drunk?"

Karan frowned and looked into Teju's eyes, she was looking quite dull. He held her face in the cup of his palm.

"What made you think like this? It wasn't your fault if somebody spiked your drink."

"Then why am I feeling like you are at distant. We both have confessed our feelings, I was expecting us to move on in the relatioship." Karan said in baritone with crouch head and red cheeks.

Karan sighed and said, "This is not the case Teju. Even I want the same as you perhaps more desperately, still I will prioritise your career. It's just a matter of time, after your exams we have all our life together."

He has his own reasons to create distance between them, that's why he had to cook a story. He don't want anything until Teju's amnesia will be cured and after that she will accept him and their relationship with all her heart.

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