Chapter 11 - Improve to Prove -

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An explosion through out the District was occuring. Daki noticed and took attention of it. "You maggots. what is going on out there!? That happened near the Ogimoto.. and Hinatsuru..!" The demon was quite bothered. and looked at Tanjiro again. yet it's not his face this time. it is his blade.

Daki grins. "Oi.. we've only exchanged a few blows. but look at you're blade." Tanjiro took notice. "It's already chipped. Hah! I guess it was forged by some low-rate swordsmith." Daki chuckles. imagining what downgrade materials was used for it.


'chipped swords happened because of poor handling. It's my fault. I knew it.'

'I can't master.. Water Breathing..'

'I just don't have the body for Water Breathing.'

'I will never match Tomioka-san or Tsugi-san with Water Breathing.'

'If I want to hit harder.. I have to use the Dance Of The Fire God in a way that Tsugi-san told me to.'

Tanjiro sets his footwork, fixed his breathing rythm like Y/n teached him improves his determination by litting his heart on fire like did.
"Oh? and what is with that gourd!" Daki saw his gourd.

"I'm not sure you're even a flame one. considering that you just splashed some water to me earlier." Daki kept talking. her words was helping Tanjiro to take the urge to attack her.

"I mean, what are you? are you trying to show off or something, oi..!" She said, before noticing that Tanjiro was no more in her sight.

'FIRE YOURSELF UP.' Tanjiro thought out loud. as he whispers Hinokami Kagura..
Daki realises that Tanjiro was sprinting right towards her.

She sends more sashes. He got that sense of smell, lit up his blade, slashed four on his left, then two in his right, after using the Raging Sun. and had cut Daki's sashes that was coming all over him (dat wat she said).

"He switched his stance. he's sharper now." Daki was worried. Tanjiro lunged towards her yet again, changed his breathing rythm and left out the unnessecary movements for his next move.

"What the hell is this sound? It sounds so unpleasant. Is it his breathing..?" Daki readies her obi as Tanjiro kept on getting closer. the sudden sound of his breath change shook her and found Tanjiro's blade in front of her.

Though, Daki was able to leap back before the attack could reach her, as the sound of fire dove down to the ground after Tanjiro used
Flame Dance.

'Flame Dance is a two-strike attack. If I could reach her before she gets too far..-' Before Tanjiro could finish his thought, one of Daki's sash split into his neck and cut through it. or so she thought.

After her killing move was hit, she was decieved and that Tanjiro had actually dissapeared in the split second.


'Where'd he go!?'

Daki tries to look around. "Dance Of The Fire God." Tanjiro deceived her by using the
Fake Rainbow move to get behind her mid-air.

'An opening!' Yet, Daki was able to find him before he could release a flaming horizontal slash. "Geez, you're slow." Daki seems bored. "What-" she knocks him off in the air as his opening thread was cut off loose.

Before Tanjiro could land head first, he broke his own landing and falls to the ground. getting too far from Daki. As he was recovering, his fatigue hit from using the moves with fear.

'What's going on? I used the move multiple times more than this with Tsugi-san. Why am I so tired now?! Is it because of fear?' Tanjiro thought. recovering his breathing. before he could do any of that though, Daki rushed at him with a spinning move using her sash.

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