Chapter 29 - Infinity Castle -

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Thunder strikes near the mansion as a legendary hard slap fly across his face. waking him up immediately.
"FUCKK!!!!!!!!!" He screams in agony.


_-10 Seconds Earlier-_


In the middle of the night, Silvy suddenly jolts awake, as she pulls herself from her cuddling position with Y/n.. She looks around frantically, her heart racing.

She realizes that she needs to wake up Y/n immediately, as the crows was screaming outside the mansion telling that the Ubayashikis has been attacked.

She thinks for a moment and then realizes that the fastest way to wake him up would be to give him a hard slap!

Silvy takes a deep breath and then slaps Y/n on the face with all her might.
"Wake up Y/n. We need to get moving. It's an emergency!!!"


"FUCK!, SILVY YOU MOTHERFUCKE--" Y/n groggily sits up as he screams in pain, rubbing his cheek.

Silvy's face turns from concern to serious. "I'm sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to hurt you or anything, BUT THE FUCKING UBAYASHIKIS IS UNDER FUCKING ATTACKED!"


"MY MOM'S DEAD!" Silvy retalliates,




"W-wait what did you just said just now?" A lightning of realization strikes Y/n.

"My mom's dead?" Silvy answered.

"I-i give my condolences, but not that! the other thing!" The pillar shakes her shoulders.

"Our crows were screaming that the Ubayashiki Estate is under attack, you dolt!" Silvy yells. and Y/n sprang into action the moment he heard that.

Without a second thought, he grabbed his sword and rushed outside with lightning speed, his body a blur of movement. Silvy watched in disbelief as he disappeared from sight.

"Y-you dick! at least wait for me first!!" Silvy ties her hair and wore her boots. She also notice he left his haori in the mansion.

"You didn't even grab your haori first..." Silvy gets out and closes the mansion's door. chasing him.


Muzan stands before him. And he was enraged at the idea of his species no longer existing. He stood up abruptly, towering over Kagaya.
"Frail human. What do you think you can you do to me?"

Kagaya stared at him, unfazed. "Thank you for proving my point, Muzan. Your reaction to my words shows just how little you understand about humanity and its connection to existence."

Muzan's anger intensified, and he struck Kagaya across the face. "You're the leader of the demon slayer corps, yet here you are. reduced to an ill old man."

Kagaya's voice was weak, but he goes on.
"I may be nothing more than a human, but I have learned and understood more than you ever will. And my words strike a nerve, because you know I'm right, you little shit." He coughs.

Suddenly, a voice boomed throughout the entire headquarters. "Emergency summon to all Hashiras and demon hunters! The Ubuyashiki estate is under attack!"

Muzan grins.
"Really? You seriously think that pathetic million year old tactic of ambushing me is going to--"

Muzan's words was cut off, as Kagaya's dying body exploded, Kagaya had "the smile" before killing himself, alongside his wife and two daughters.

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