Chapter 17 - Solar Dragon -

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Tanjiro raised his hand, summoning his fire-enhanced sword from its sheathe. The demon let out a deep cry, a sound that echoed through the chamber. Tanjiro knew he was in trouble - the demon looks scared, but he knew it has immense power and incredible speed.

Tanjiro lunged forward, his sword whistling through the air, but the demon was too quick, dodging to the side with uncanny ease. Tanjiro adjusted his stance, preparing for another attack. He had fought demons before, and he knew the key was to stay calm.

Yet, he couldn't shake the feeling of fear that gripped him. He had heard stories of the Upper Moon demons, and he knew they were not to be trifled with. The demon laughed again, a sound like thunder echoing through the chamber.

"Hinokami Kagura-!"

Tanjiro charged, his sword flashing through the air in a series of rapid strikes, but the demon was too fast, moving almost as though it were teleporting. The demon let out a grunt, its body contorted as it tried to dodge Tanjiro's attacks.

But Tanjiro was relentless, launching into an all-out assault. He moved with speed and precision that would make even the most skilled swordsman envious. This was the results of his training, but the demon was a master of evasion, moving with uncanny grace and speed, not having any signs to retalliate.

Tanjiro felt his breathing getting heavier. sweat pouring down his face as he struggled to keep up with the demon's movements.

"Don't... Please don't kill me Wragwgrh--" The uppermoon whispers.

Putting aside his nerves and quickly breathing with the style, Tanjiro uses Hinokami Kagura:

"Sunflower Thrust."

Tanjiro drove his sword deep into the demon's body. The demon let out an otherworldly howl, before suddenly dissolving into a pile of ash.

Tanjiro stood there, panting.
'Where'd he go?!' He thought to himself. Then finding him now on the floor;

He becomes more confused seeing that the demon is not fighting back. Growing in size, Nezuko wakes and lands a powerful kick on the demon, slamming him into the wall,

"Nezuko! Don't transform just yet." Tanjiro yells out, as Nezuko calms down.

The room filled with the warm, orange glow of a blazing fire.
All of a sudden, a tall, cloaked figure entered the room through a door filled with flames, seemingly unaffected by the heat. The figure stepped forward, their movement effortless, their eyes glinting in the firelight. He speaks, his voice deep and rumbling:

"Tanjiro? What are you..-" Before Tanjiro could even respond, he had noticed that the hashira that he already beheaded Hantengu, as its head fall from the ceilling.

As Tanjiro looked at his shrouded figure, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. He had been struggling to fight the demon on his own, and the thought of having someone else there to help was a welcome relief.

"Thank you," Tanjiro said, his voice shaking with emotion. "I don't know how you did it, but I'm glad you're here."

Without any warning, Tsugi and Tanjiro watched in stunned silence as the demon's body and head suddenly changed form, like something out of a horror movie. They had seen their fair share of bizarre, supernatural happenings, but this was still something neither of them had ever witnessed before.

And yet, as strange as it was, they weren't exactly shocked either. They both knew that demons had a way of defying the laws of nature, and this transformation was just another example of that. So, while it was certainly surprising, it wasn't entirely unexpected.

- Y/n Tsugikuni -Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ