Chapter 27 - Matter Over Mind -

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Season 4 Starts Here.
-and the big ass plot twist is comin'
later in the next few chapters.

"..We doing what now?"

"It's urgent. if the uppermoon isn't stopped, it'll destroy the whole village with it." Kagaya explains.

"Upper Rank 5... I thought he was spotted near the Swordsmith Village too a few weeks ago?"

"That's right. Tokitou-san was his opponent, but it was reported that he fled after you slain the Upper Rank 4"

"I expect nothing less for you, Tsugi. but it's better if Shinobu joined in." The leader said, coughing up after.

"Does Y/n have to?" Shinobu asks.

Both Kagaya and the latter looks at her.

"He's still recovering. after a horrfying beat down from an upper moon. now you're giving him another one to deal with?" Shinobu stares at Kagaya, her voice hesitating but calm.

"Shinobu, I-" Y/n was cut off.

"He's our most valuable asset, and we shall take care of him carefully, sure. But the quicker we do this, the better Tsugi-san attracts demons, the faster Muzan will come."

"That's why I'm asking you to accompany him, Kocho. Besides, wouldn't you prefer to spend time with him?" Kagaya gives a slight smile. then coughing up a little.



"Understood." Shinobu narrows her eyes at Y/n.

Literally everyone knows about their relationship. but in reality, They're just two friends who likes eachother and is waiting for the other to make the first move.


"Let's set that aside. Um, look, I'm not paid enough for any of this..-"

"You didn't get your mail?" Shinobu interrupts.

"What mail?" Y/n raises his brow.

"The mail that you get when you become a pillar. inside, there's papers and you can request how much yen-- wait did you not know this?" Shinobu asks.

"But.. my mail box is in my--" Y/n cuts himself. as he realized that it was in front his own mansion. that old, and dirty mansion that he never took care of.

-_-Major Timeskip-_-

Shinobu and Y/n walk side by side through the dark, illuminated only by a small lantern. The village is sleeping, with only a few lights in the windows, and the silence is almost eerie. They reach a small bridge that crosses a shallow river, and they pause to let their eyes adjust to the darkness.

They hear a sound in the distance and Y/n reaches for his sword, but Shinobu holds his arm, stopping him. "It's just a frog,"

"You're such a softie. Always so quick to jump to conclusions. Can't even handle a little frog noise?" She grins.

"Okay, I'm.. 90 percent sure I'm not a softie, but that doesn't mean I don't get scared. You know, I'm only human and I've seen some pretty messed up stuff."

"Ahh, you poor baby. Don't worry, I'll protect you from the big, bad frog."
Shinobu whispers.

"You're a jerk."

"And you're just a softie who can't handle a little teasing." She said.

"Just wait until I get a shot, you shortie." He teased her back.

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