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    "Mr. Parker, it's 6:00 am. Time to wake up," FRIDAY's voice echo's through my ears.
   "FRIDAY," I croak. "Thanks for waking me up, but could you be a bit less loud. I have enhanced hearing"
   I didn't want to sound rude. I mean like, I know she's an AI, but still. What if she could feel?
    I get up from bed and look around the room. The walls are a bright white, just like the carpet, desk, closets, and bedsheet.
    But the best thing in this room by far,(other then FRIDAY) is what has to be the biggest TV in my entire life.
     I then remember that I should be getting ready and seeing what Mr.Stark needs from me.
     On the desk I see a science pun T-shirt, and jeans.
    'Way better than staying in this Spider-Man suit.'
     I head to the large shower in my room, (This is so cool!) and clean myself up. Right after I put on my cloths and walk out the door.
   "Hey FRIDAY?" I ask. "Where am I supposed to go? This place is kinda big..."
   "Of course Mr. Parker."
"Peter is fine," I respond.
"Well, Peter. Boss is down the hallway, to the right. That would be the kitchen."
   I nod, thank her, and walk down that way. I pass by Morgans open door, and see toys scattered around the floor. I smile, remembering the days where I would just play with toys all day long.
        I enter the kitchen a moment later, and see all the Avengers in the kitchen next to Mr.Stark, who is sipping coffee from a mug.
      'Who can even drink that stuff. It's so bitter.'
      "Everyone!" Mr. Stark yells.
I jump, and look around to see if I did anything wrong.
    "This, is Peter. Say hi Pete."
      Still a bit in shock, I wave a small 'hi,' and I can tell my face must be red.
      Mr. Stark motions for me to sit down in the only other empty seat. The one next to Bruce banner, and - wait.
'Is way!'
"Thor!" I practically squeal.
    "Man of Spiders! Tony has told us much about you! A question for you."
     He leans in and whispers something into my ear, although it is extremely loud. Or is it just my enhanced hearing?
    "Where else do the webs come out of?"
I look just in shock at him, and reply with, "Just the wrists. And I use web shooters. My body doesn't make the webs."
   I was sooooo close to stuttering. I'm front of one of the coolest Avengers, I cannot allow myself to mess this up.
     I spend a lot of time at breakfast just talking with the Avengers. If I didn't think Bruce was a cool scientist before, he is way more interesting in person.
     'I wish I could hang around them more often.'
    "So, Peter." Mr. Stark speaks up, and everyone goes quiet. "How would you like to go on a mission, tracking someone from HYDRA."
    My head perks up, and excitement fills me all at once.
'A mission. A serious mission, with the AVENGERS!'
      I can barely contain myself, I nod my head harshly, and my bed head becomes worse then when I woke up.
   Thor ruffles my hair. "You heard him! The man of Spiders is coming!"
    Everyone soon after leaves, and I am in the hallway before I stop.
     "Tony, HYDRA is dangerous. You can't expect a kid to go fight them."
'No, no, no, I really want to go!'
   "Capcicle, I made him a new extra protective suit, and he won't be alone. The kid will fight this stuff one day when he is older, might as well give him a glimpse now."
     I hear Steve sigh, and walk in my direction. I panic, and climb on the roof, and to my bedroom before he see's me.
    I lie on the bed, and let out a breath.
'Thank goodness for Mr. Stark.'
I felt a bunch of energy and excitement radiating through my body.
'I still can't believe it!!! I'm going on an important mission!''
"Hey, FRIDAY?" I ask.
"Yes, Peter?"
"When is the mission. For getting HYDRA?"
"Scheduled for 10:00 a.m today."
"Thank you, FRIDAY!"
'Do I need to thank an AI? Eh, better to say so just in case!'
I look at Uncle Ben's old watch. 9:30.
"Peter," Tony called out. "Come here! Got something for you, kid."
I walk to the lab, and begin to ask what he had, before my jaw drops at the sight.
An Iron Spider-suit.
'It's so shiny.'
"Put it on, you alright there kid?"
I pull my eyes away from the suit. "Yeah, yeah of course. It's looks so cool! Are you sure it's mine. Cause' you know how I am I'll probably scratch it up -not on purpose of course! - but you know how I'm clumsy and-"
Mr. Stark gives me a look and a lift of his eyebrow before I apologize and stop rambling, then walking up to the suit.
My hand extends to touch the metal, but it climbs on me, I didn't even know metal could do that.
"Mr. Stark, is it supposed to be climbing me?"
It covers my whole body before I even finished the sentence. He simply nods and asks for thoughts.
I take a moment to wiggle my fingers, and I take a deep breath in.
"Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here!" That's the first thing I exclaim.
He hides a smile and walks around me, examining the suit.
"I've been working on this for a while, it's called nanotech, like it?" I remember him saying to be one day in the lab.
"That's so cool Mr. Stark! One day, maybe my suit can be made of it! Not that anything is wrong with this suit, I'm just saying-"
"Peter, you're rambling again."
I smile at the memory.
'Could he have done this because he knew I liked it?'
"Alright, suit looks good. Let's get this show on the road."
He double-taps the arc reactor on his chest, and his own nano-suit covers him.

The Avengers are waiting outside of Mr. Stark's jets.
I remember the original six. (Steve, Nat, Clint, Bruce, Thor, and Mr. Stark) But there are two others I remember from when the Avengers fought each other before they made up.
There was Metal arm guy, and lady with the red-sparky-energy.
They all smiled at my new suit, even though most looked slightly concerned when I tripped over my own leg.
We all got into the jet, and so began the journey to who knows wherever the HYDRA agents are. Mr. Stark must know. Why else would he be flying if he didn't?
"Mr. Stark, where are we going?" The directions have changed so much during the nine hours we have been flying.
"There are multiple signals where they HYDRA agents could be. Once you get close enough to the signal, FRIDAY can tell if it's a red herring or not. All the signals have been false, and the only one left is the one we are heading to."
I want to ask him how he can make FRIDAY find signals, but then I remember. He is Tony Stark. If he can make nanotech and other cool stuff, then tracking something won't be that big of a deal to him.
I go and try to strike up a conversation with one of the Avengers. Mainly Thor. I want to ask him questions about space since he is from a different planet and stuff.
'Is space like how it is in Star Wars? Have you watched it? Have you met aliens that look similar to them?'
I stop when I realize how dumb those questions must sound. I spent a few minutes thinking the most random thoughts until I could fall asleep. (A/N: please answer these questions)
'What happens if you try to fry boiled milk?'
'Is is space-racist to say that a real life alien looks like a weird creature from an alien movie?'
    And I sleep.

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now