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I wave goodbye to Nova as the car starts. Mr. Stark starts the car, ( but it's more like a really fancy minivan ) and we're off to the HYDRA base. Mr. Stark thinks that the signals will be accurate this time, and hopefully we'll be able to find the HYDRA agents. I really hope that we can find them. They'll be overpowered if they're messing with the multiverse. Who knows what they could find.
The rest of the Avengers talked about plans. FRIDAY would override the security protocols. Steve and Nat would be fighting off the initial security. Clint would be taking care of the second layer of security, Thor would be taking care of anything else that could get in the way. That includes outside traps. Wanda would be helping him. Mr. Stark would be retrieving whatever it is that that they're working on, and hopefully their leader of operations or head scientist. Bruce would be in the car, with me. Waiting if we are needed.
'Wait- what?'
"But Mr. Stark-" I start before he cuts me off. "No buts. This is another universe. Not taking that chance." But I really want to make myself useful. "I promise I'll be careful, Mr. Stark. I'll stick close to you just to be safe and I-I'll follow all of your orders!" I stumble over my words for a moment as Mr. Starks expression softens. Then it goes back to serious, "Sorry, Pete. I'm not risking your safety anymore." I know there's no convincing him, but I decide to pour for the rest of the trip.
'But I really wanted to go...'
"You have arrived, boss," FRIDAY says. I sigh as I watch the rest of the Avengers -besides Bruce- walk out and in front of a building. Bruce must have realized that I was upset, and told me about how we could watch the whole thing from our phones because their suits had cameras. I watched as Steve broke in first, followed by Nat. The footage showed them knock out incoming agents in a dim room. It was covered in glass and soon, agents blood. It reminded me of Nova's small cabin, in a sad way. I watched as Clint went further in the building, shooting arrows at more agents, trying to keep them near the front of the building, so everyone else can get to where they need to be. Thor is busy at the entrance, fighting off robots hidden in the trees and drones which emerge from the broken windows. Bruce moves a bit closer to be and tells me to sit below the windows, just in case something goes wrong and the drones aim at us. I don't listen, and watch as Thor takes out all of the drones. I watch as Clint struggles with the oncoming fighters outnumbering him. Thor uses his hammer to fly in and he hits it to the ground. Lightning thingys come out and shoot the guys, the electricity breaking the camera. Bucky was with Mr. Stark and Wanda. Bucky should know who they're looking for. That's why he is with them, right? They all split up into different rooms, and search.
Wanda looks through a room with a lot of glowing mixtures. Some of them were oozing onto the floor which caused a hole. She went up to something with a lot of buttons. She accidentally presses one, and an alarm goes off. Almost instantly, all of the doors are locked, and more agents fill the room.
'How many of these guys can there be?'
Mr. Stark can't help, neither can Bucky or the rest of the team. But what if... what if I can? I rush up to the building despite Bruce trying to hold me back. I web a couple guys with guns, and head over in the direction Mr. Stark is in. 'Maybe he'll finally take me serious after this.'
I go to the metal door, and not using the full extent of my strength pry open the door. Mr. Stark is practically drowning in bad guys. Time to help out. I crawl onto the ceiling and stand. "Hey guys," I say. Mr. Stark looks quickly at me. "Didn't think about fighting without your old friend Spidey, did you?" I'm quick to web up the guys as Mr. Stark shoots at them, as I web my way around the room. I start to web them all up into one big ball, until they are all suck inside. "You weren't supposed to be here. You could have gotten hurt," Mr. Stark says. "But I didn't, I helped you. Can we please talk about it later?" He sighs, and heads over to the grouped up bad guys, and starts asking questions. I don't pay attention much, but I know that he found the head scientist. I roam around the dark, damp rooms, looking for something that I don't know.  I trip into one of the rooms. "Woah," I say.
      The room is filled with tech and acids. There are machine parts all over the place and an extremely large one in the middle. It's circular and is attached to a large glass cage, which is connected to what looks like a battery. Mr. Starks walks up right behind me and watches the machine. "A multiverse portal," he says. "What?" He walks up closer to the machine. "Our mad scientist friend over there told me. They were trying to get something. Something to power it. It would need immense power. Or should I say, someone?" The realization hits me. "Nova, " I murmur. "You named her? Wait- that's not the point. We have to go back for her. Maybe she could help us get back home. Either by herself the way she brought us and the HYDRA agents here, or we force her with the machine." Mr. Stark starts to inspect the machine, looking at how it works and its wirings. "Wait, Mr. Stark. We can't actually put her in this thing. You know how scared she is, and we can't just use her like some battery." He doesn't listen. "Yep," he mumbles. "That would work." I can't take this anymore. "Mr. Stark!" I yell, and he looks at me.


      "You can't just do that to her. Please, sir. There has to be some other way!" HIs face is red with anger, and he walks up to me. "There is no other way! Unless you want to stay stuck in an alternate universe forever! I need to see my own family. I can't just disappear on them. Even if it means she gets scared, or we drain her. She brought us to another universe once willingly as well as a lot of other people. Either she does it on her own, or we make her. Do you understand?" He asks. I really don't. I won't let him do this. He starts walking out of the building while the other Avengers talk. Something about coming here again later, and how the HYDRA agents were kept somewhere they couldn't get out of. I really couldn't care less, and I sit in the car. Mr. Stark starts driving, and Nat tries to make me feel better. "He's just trying to get us home. Don't you want to see Aunt May again?" I nod and look out the window for the rest of the ride.

     When we arrive outside the cabin, the door is left open. I instantly start to worry as I remember parts of our conversation just last night. "I don't like to sleep when I know the house is unsafe. Even leaving the door open makes me anxious..." Those were her exact words. I even have the paper with me to prove it. I get out of the car and run into the cabin. I look around and then I see her. My breath catches in my throat.

       "Who did this to you?"

A/N: Hey guys! I'm writing chapter 43 at the moment lol. But just wanted to ask you guys to be patient because I promise the story will be good!

Peter's sister, Nova II NovaVerse 1Where stories live. Discover now