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A/N: The moment you have been waiting for... coming next chapter!!!
...............A few hours earlier...............
My head hurts when I wake up. Just like it does everyday.
Every single day of my life ever since I woke up with bloody ears eight months ago.
Every day I get a bit more scared. Every day punishment gets worse. But tomorrow will be different. I know it.
Because Killer will be on a "date," with someone in another "town."
I still don't know a lot of words. How could I when the only words I know are insults? Killer and his friends are coming over again tonight.
I shiver when I think of them. If Killer was bad sober, when he is drunk with his friends it's worse.
'At least it can't get worse then how I would be with those scientists.'
Shouldn't I be at least a bit grateful? That according to him I'm treated better then how I would be with others?
'Still not the best.'
But there are days where he can be...nice. Days where I'm his outlet means him just...talking. Sometimes he asks questions about me.
In the end, he doesn't forget who I am, a person to be punished.
"You are so worthless, freak."
"Go kill yourself, freak."
"One day I'll kill you, freak."
I get up from the floor, and head over to the small kitchen. Most days, I limit myself to one handful of stale cereal a day, since I can't risk finishing it all. It's supposed to be able to last be six months, and if I finish it before then, I'll have to starve. Or be beaten worse.
    Some days when beatings are especially bad, I might eat two handfuls.
     But those beatings have to be extremely painful, since my body has started getting used to it. That's good. Right?
      But my back has been getting noticeably worse.
    But I'll be fine. I'm always fine. Just don't think about yesterday, or the day before that, or the month before that. Just don't think. I freak out when I think of it.
    Killer will come sometime before his little drinking party.
'Is that how all other people are like?'
   I mean, probably. When Killer comes, he said he will give me a green price of paper with the number twenty on it. I'm supposed to go into town to get myself supplies with it. And give him whatever is left.
     I hate going into town. With my bloody cloths and familiar face. If people realize who I am, Killer won't let me stay.
    I finish the box of cereal since I'm going to have to get more later anyways.
    So much of my day is spent on cleaning wounds. I still don't know the best way to treat them. What do I do when Killer throws boiling water at me and my powers fail? What about when he carves insults into my skin?
    He only gives me creams for infections and gauze for the cuts. For the beating, I have nothing for my bruises.
    I used to go to the lake, to just sit next to it and release all the fear and tension in my body. But no matter how much I want to, I can't scream. If I scream people might hear me. So my frustration comes out with my powers.
Sometimes the lake boils, sometimes all of the trees and plants around me go dry as I collect the water from them and back to the earth in the form of rain clouds.
I'm not even trying to do this. I can't control it. All I know is that if someone hurts me, I hurt them. But why can't I hurt Killer? He has hurt me more than anyone else by far.
'Because he is your only option.'
I sigh and touch my ears, that have never really healed due to the endless beatings. Endless cutting. Red stained gauze is still in place, on top of them.
I subconsciously walk to the lake, the water always looking so peaceful, the wildlife so free.
'If only I was that free.'
My stomach grumbles. I would have tried to fish. But the boiling lake killed all of the fish. Now I can only look at the birds. And I know full well I can't catch them.
And so I walk back to the old cabin, where Killer is already waiting for me.
My insides go cold, and I wait for the pencil and paper to come. Then the hurting.
My heart beats fast, and my breathing becomes rigid.
'Please. Please leave. I hurt enough.'
He finishes writing, and passes the paper over to me.
"Party is rescheduled. It'll be in two days, understand freak?"
I read it all, and he passes me the green paper he promised. He continues writing.
"I won't be here until that party, so I'll just have to deal with you extra hard now."
My breathing is terrible now, and my vision goes white as soon as the first stab comes in through my shoulder.
I gasp, and hold my breath as he continues to cut words and phrases into my skin, the red blood hot.
He has written on my back, my legs, my arms. And whenever I think there is no space, he writes extra small just so it can fit.
I must be bleeding like crazy, because the puddle on the floor won't stop growing, and I can barely keep standing. He punches and kicks me, and then leaves.
I lay on the floor for hours, and the pain doesn't go away. But I still push myself up and try to forget.
'Maybe I should die. Either I get hurt or others do. I don't want that. I hate myself.'
I change into my only other pants, which are still bloodstained. It's dark, so maybe no one will notice. But before I go, I sit next to the lake.
Either I let my powers out, or others have to pay for it with their lives. And I don't want to be responsible for that. And so, I scream.
I really scream, for the first time I remember, I let myself out. I do this a few times. And then, my powers go full blown. It had been creating a light and burning the trees earlier, but this one was different. The light got large, the lake evaporated, and I never felt so alive, so out of control.
I can't take this anymore. I have to leave. I have never let myself out like this. I need to get out of here.

............................. ....................................Present time.........................................................................
I run out of those woods, and I walk down a sidewalk. I feel so tired, like I could pass out right here and now. But then again, I had lost so much blood, I wouldn't be surprised if I did pass out.
But this felt so... weird. I ignore it. Just like I ignore my fear, my pain, and the fact I'm alive.
    I walk into a store, and grab a cereal box. I know if I get anything else, Killer would hurt me.
    My arm burns with the movement, and I know I have to hurry. People are staring at me. Staring at the teenage girl with bloody pants and bloody jacket. The teenage girl who is bruised all over while trying to use her hood to hide the obvious.
I walk up to a lady behind the computer. The lights above hurt my eyes. I never had to deal with lamps and artificial light in the cabin. Either it was the sun or it was the fireplace which offered light.
The woman talked, but I couldn't hear it. She then placed the extra money into my hand as I took the box outside and walked out. If I ran I would seem suspicious. I really don't want more attention then my appearance already attracts.
I feel a cold metal hand on my shoulder. I look behind me, and see a group of oddly dressed people behind the metal man.
'What the hell is happening?'
A/N: Hey! How are all of you? Thank you for 44 reads! I appreciate every one of you! And yes, the Avengers are finally here!!!! I know you have been waiting a while. So stick with me, and have a great day, night, or whatever time it is for you!

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