Half - Plans

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I'd been worried at first that Brian was going to give Austin the third degree and interrogate him as they disappeared into the livingroom, but everything seemed to have gone well

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I'd been worried at first that Brian was going to give Austin the third degree and interrogate him as they disappeared into the livingroom, but everything seemed to have gone well.

Aubrey was all excited to have us over for dinner. She couldn't keep from blabbering as she stirred the sauce she was making while me and Brielle decorated the cupcakes. Except for when she took a drink from her wineglass. And the more she drank, the looser her lips got.

"He's so hot," Aubrey said, and pointed her spoon at me. "I'm so happy for you."

"Who's hot?" Brielle asked and looked from me to her mom.

"Um..." I began, but Aubrey answered her, "Austin."

"Aunt Ellie's boy?"

"Yes," Aubrey said, and giggled. "Aunt Ellie's boy."

Brielle's little forehead scrunched up, and she cocked her head to the side. "Does he need an ice pack?"

It was my turn to frown in question.

"Um...why?" My sister asked her.

"If he's sweaty hot."

I bit down hard on my bottom lip to keep from laughing, but Aubrey had no qualms about it. She laughed until she realized that she'd have to explain to her daughter exactly what it was she meant if she didn't just go with the sweaty theory.

"Eh, yeah, something like that," she struggled to say and reached for her wineglass.

I cleared my throat. "Do you want to put sprinkles on these?" I asked Brielle and gestured towards the already iced cupcakes in an attempt to deflect and get the conversation back on a safer topic.


I handed her the multicolored sprinkles and the tub with pink heart-shaped ones. Not that there were many left.

"These are my favorite, Aunt Ellie," she said about the heart shaped ones.

"I know."

Brielle's little tongue stuck out the side of her mouth as she concentrated on putting a few heart sprinkles in the middle of the cupcakes and multi colored sprinkles around them.

"I'm just so happy for you," Aubrey continued from the stove. "You've waited so long for him. I just can't believe the love of your life is back. It's so romantic."

"Aubrey..." I cautioned.

But she didn't listen. She just continued gushing over how handsome Austin was and that she was so happy that he was back in my life. How cute we were together and that she couldn't wait to meet Alex.

It was true, and Austin knew I loved him, but I still didn't want him to hear her say all that.

I tried to shush her, but she just laughed and pointed the stupid spoon at me again and told me there was no way he could hear me because they were watching hockey.

Well, I had more faith in both Austin and Brian's abilities to do two things at once. It wasn't like she was quiet. And from the amused look Brian gave Aubrey when he came into the kitchen for dinner, combined with the sweet smile and kiss I got from Austin, I knew they'd both heard every word she said.

"I like your sister's family," Austin said on our way home.

I groaned. "She's so embarrassing sometimes."

He chuckled. "I think it's sweet that she cares so much about you."

"That's good, because you'll be dealing with her a lot if you decide to stick around."

I meant it to be teasing, but the way it came out, it didn't quite feel like that. Instead, it felt like we were about to have a very serious conversation. The kind that involved deciding the rest of our lives.

"I'd like to stick around, Ellie," Austin responded slowly.

"Yeah?" I asked as my heart rate picked up speed.

"Yeah. I want this. I want to be with you."

I swallowed hard. "I want it too."

"It might take some time, babe, to get all the shit in order, but I'd like to come back here. To you."

Luckily, I'd just turned into the apartment building's parking lot because my eyes filled with tears and I couldn't see anything but Austin.

"Oh, my god!" I cried. "You'll move back here? For me?"

He chuckled, "yeah, Ellie."

I put the car in park, unbuckled my seatbelt and jumped over the center median, so I straddled him in the passenger seat.

"Oh my god, I love you. I love you so much," I gushed and pressed my mouth to his, as I laughed and cried between the kisses.

He smiled and kissed me back.

"Love you too, babe."

"You and Alex and Bear, you all move in with me?" I couldn't think of anything I wanted more than that. It would be the ultimate dream come true.

He chuckled and kissed me on my nose."That's a nice thought, baby, but I'm not so sure Bear is going to be a fan of Selma."


Yeah. I hadn't even considered that. And Selma would probably be even less of a fan of Bear. I could already picture her hissing at him with her claws out.

"And I'm not sure my brother wants to live with us."


I guess that made sense. Alex would want his own life.

"We'll figure something out. We have time," Austin said and moved his lips back to mine.


I lost my train of thought when Austin wrapped his arms around my back and tugged me against him. It was hard to miss the swelling of his cock underneath me. My body squirmed against him, seeking the friction only he could give.

"Babe," Austin groaned as he pushed me away a couple of minutes later. His eyes were dangerously dark. "If we don't go upstairs, right this minute, I'm gonna fuck you right here in the parking garage."

I almost considered it. Almost.

But instead I exited the car faster than ever before and half dragged Austin to the elevator. And, thankfully, there was nobody else in there.

We mauled each other like teenagers the entire way to my apartment door. The clothes came off as soon as the front door closed behind us. We left a trail of shoes, socks, and pants on the way to the bedroom.

"Austin," I moaned as I pulled to get him up onto the bed with me.

"Just let me get this off," he responded and pulled his sweater over his head, followed by his t-shirt and boxer briefs.

And, yeah. I could totally get used to seeing him like that every day. Naked and aroused with tight muscles, darkened eyes and an impressive erection jutting out from his body.

"Let's get you naked," Austin continued and reached for my underwear and I was totally on board with that too.

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