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**** The 'dudes,' were finally going to get in on a round up. Though it was only for practice, they were all excited. Everyone, including Ava was going. Her hand-made, customized saddle was finished and she had been practicing under the tutelage of Topper.

The girls were throughly enjoying their horses and each other. When they weren't riding they were playing games, watching movies, listening to music, or timing Eve's practice runs.

Topper also found time everyday to work with Kaylee and Nugget, whom she had nicknamed Nugs. Ava watched and listened (and added her two cents worth as she saw fit) as Kaylee learned how to brush Nugget's coat, mane and tail. She learned the difference between the different brushes, and curry comb along with when and where to use each.

She learned how to clean and care for his hooves. She talked to the vet about his continued medical care, and was shown how to administer the medications. She could now recognize when a call to the vet was recommended and the regular care that horses require. Ava had been given the privilege of teaching her new friend how to care for the various parts of her new saddle and bridle that had been custom fitted to both herself and Nugget.

Kyle also had been taking riding lessons, though he thought that having ridden behind Drina on Oden made him an accomplished rider. A few times of insisting he knew what he was doing, and being spilled to the dirt taught him otherwise.

A spirited, well trained mare named Trixie had chosen Kyle. At first he was appalled. While he liked her, it took all of ten minutes to get over the idea that his horse was, "A girl." He'd quickly fallen in love with the beautiful, brown eyes, gentle mannerisms and fiesty spirit. He delighted in the picture they made with his saddle, chaps and cowboy hat.

Drina had been taking videos with her phone and let them see their progress from one day to the next. She also made sure she spent time with the twins individually and together. Having been touring eleven out of twelve months of the year for the last five years they knew her more as a family acquaintance than a sibling. The plane crash that took their parents lives changed all that. Now, as a result of the ranch vacation, they were becoming a family.

Kaylee was becoming less anxious and fearful, more confident and independent. She was talking more and initiating conversations with more people, particularly Topper for whom she had developed a huge crush.

Not only was the ranch good for Kaylee, but she was good for the ranch. Ava in particular, as she was willing to practice more with her walker. She was exercising more and as a result, was feeling better and steadily growing stronger. She was spending less time shut up in her room and had developed a tan for the first time.

Lillie was noticing the differences in her youngest daughter as well. She saw how hard Ava worked to improve and strengthen her body, and how Kaylee would help with the exercises. She watched how Drina mothered her siblings, how she treated each with the same level of love and care. She noticed how Ava turned to Beau as a parental figure and how she had blossomed under his care, attention and praise. She seldom turned to Lillie.

Seeing this had allowed her to understand and accept the truth regarding Brett, Beau and Bobbi's long time comments about the inequity of her treatment toward her three youngest daughters. She had slighted Ava from the day she had been diagnosed with Spina Bifida, and she was ashamed.

* * *

Riley, Ben and Drina rode along side a small herd of heifers, watching as Beau and the hands demonstrated how it was done. Drina stared as Beau stood in his stirrups, whistled and called instructions. To their surprise he had a bullwhip that he used to give commands to the herd.

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now