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Six months later -

**** Drina stood in Lillie's bedroom with Riley, Amy, Bobbi, Ava, and Kaylee. All of whom looked in the mirror at the Western Wedding attire the bride wore, an ivory colored suede skirt and matching vest. The blouse was off white with matching antique lace that fell from the shoulders and formed a V on front and back. She turned and tugged on the skirt and watched it flare out around her. It fell just below the knees with the self fringe.

Drina had found off white boots with the same fringe on the top and were a perfect match for the dress. Her outfit was topped by a small, ivory colored lace hat with bridal veil secured by a sequened, lace butterfly. She had seen a picture of it on the internet while looking at bridal dresses with the girls and had loved it. There were a few changes she wanted and while talking with Bobbi one day she had discovered that Amanda, (one of the ranch hand's wives), worked as a seamstress.

She had been thrilled when Drina asked her to make the bridal outfit. As the couple lived on the ranch, fittings were convenient. Drina posed for pictures as the outfit was being made and then, in the finished product, hoping to help the young woman further her craft, and put a jumpstart on her own business.

The pictures were put on display in the boutique where Amanda worked as well as on her new website. Soon, so many requests for Amanda's sewing skills began coming in that the store helped her open her own shop with a provision that she provide alterations for the store's customers. A business of her own was a dream that Amanda thought would never come true. The fact made Drina's wedding day even more wonderful.

"Are you sure this buckskin skirt is right? I mean, is it too western?" Drina asked for the hundredth time.

Her friends laughed, "Honey, Beau's not going to be looking at the skirt." Riley said.

Bobbi nodded. "He is just as nervous as you are, sweety. Rowdy said Beau keeps asking him to make sure you haven't gotten cold feet and flown the coop."

Amy (Brón's new wife) smiled and rubbed her small baby bump, "Aye lass. But, I thought that was what ye planned. The Western look I mean."

The other women chuckled, even Ava and Kaylee joined in the fun. "You look beautiful." The new sister's chorused.

Only a few days before, Drina, Beau and the kids had appeared before Judge Taylor. After talking to them and all three eleven year olds, he hit the gavel dramatically and the adoptions were finalized. The new family had gone out to dinner afterwards and celebrated. Ava, Kaylee, and Kyle were all Blantons.

The bride grinned. "I keep thinking that I'm going to wake up, and it will all have been a fabulous, beautiful dream."

"Oh, this is no dream, dear." Lillie said as she wheeled herself into the room. "I have a gift for my first daughter-in-law."

* * *

Beau tossed the chaps back at Rowdy for what seemed like the twentieth time. "I'm not wearin' those chaps. Drina would kill me, then I'd kill you!"

"Just tryin' to help ya out, boss." Rowdy said smirking. The nervous groom paced back and forth in his cabin.

Yancy and Rowdy tried hard not to laugh. "Son, if they don't feel right, just don't wear 'em. The Tux, and the black Stetson... well, that's just fine. But, you'll never hear the end of it if you forget to wear your Pop's bolo tie."

Kyle held up the tie and beamed at his new father. "Can I help?"

Beau knelt down and allowed his son to put the bolo tie with the turquoise stone around his neck. Lillie had found the stone before she and Brett Sr. had married. She had it made into the bolo tie f as his wedding gift. He had worn it for the wedding, that day.

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now