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Next morning -

**** Beau opened his eyes to find Drina sitting on the end table in front of him. She smiled, and held up a small glass of orange juice. His head pounded, and his stomach churned.

"Hey..." Was all he got out before throwing up into the bucket left on the floor in easy reach.

Drina winced and offered him a glass of water to rinse his mouth. That done, he lay back on the pillow she'd placed beneath his head earlier.

"Yancy said you weren't feeling well, so I thought I'd better check on you."

Beau groaned and tried to sit up. "Bobbi...?"

Putting her hand on the broad shoulder, and she pressed him back down. "She's fine. Though, I think you need to speak with her, when you're better. There's something, I don't know. She's wanting to talk about it, but she's definitely afraid of something. That was no ordinary panic attack, Beau. She was terrified. She acted like someone was after her."

He nodded before getting sick again. He rinsed his mouth, cleared his throat, and tried to get up. "I need to see to the horses."

"I don't think so, cowboy!"

Drina pushed him back onto the pillows again. She couldn't help, but notice how strong and hard his shoulders were. 'Get a grip,' she told herself. 'The man is sick.'

"You're staying home today. But, we do need to get you into your own bed, I turned the electric blanket on. Rowdy is on his way to help. Yancy said he'll take care of the horses, and everything else you do will be divided up between the others. I told them I would look after you while you're ill, keep you inside, and that is what I'm going to do. Whether you like it or not!"

"I was an Army Ranger, damn it. I've fought in worse shape than this, and come out on top!"

"Well you're not on top now. Nor, are you the only one sick. Both Topper and Davie are down with it too. It's just a bug going around. In fact, I think Jade is enjoying acting as Topper's nurse at the moment."

Beau grimaced, he might have sounded bigger, meaner and more serious if he hadn't croaked like a frog.

"Well, Hero, I'm glad you were able to do that. But, fortunately; this is not a war, and there are enough people around who want to help so you can take it easy a few days. I rummaged through your drawers and found some pj's. Rowdy will help you get into them if you need, and he'll get you into bed where you are going stay. Even if I have to tie you down! If you fight the flu, not only do you lose, but you subject others to the germ."

She smiled sweetly at him, "Rowdy will check when he comes over to see if there is anything else you want done. Oh, and thank you for the use of your bed last night. I must have really been tired. I don't remember coming in at all."

He groaned knowing full well that she was right, and Rowdy would love the chance to help tie him down. Then he'd crow about it for months.

"You win, and ya didn't walk in, you were asleep so I carried ya. Before you get mad, you're welcome."

She stared at him open mouthed. Then looked quickly away, cleared her throat and said, "Umm, okay, the girls are staying with Yancy until this blows over. We need to get your temp down, its too high."

He nodded and slowly pushed himself into a sitting position. He waited for the room to stop spinning then smiled weakly at her. "You sound like a drill Sergeant. Like bossing me around, don't ya?"

Drina flicked the thermometer a few times and grinned. "Well, I figure it's only right. I mean you bossed me around first. So..."

He laughed, but was cut off when he starting coughing hard.

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now