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**** Beau helped his best friend step from the chopper and smiled. "Good to have ya back, bro."

He had to yell over the sound of the blades. "Kyle's been askin' about ya every single day since the attack. I wasn't sure how much longer we were gonna be able to put him off visiting you himself, the girls, too. You got people fallin' all over themselves worryin' about ya and wanting to help."

Both men turned, smiled and saluted Topper, still sitting in the helicopter. The exausted pilet smiled back, waved and mouthed, "See ya later," and waited for them to clear the blades before taking the machine back to the storage building.

Rowdy grinned and nodded as he placed his left hand over his bad arm protectively. The arm rested securely within a sturdy removable cast and sling.

"That's what Pop said." He answered as they made their way to the jeep.

Beau started the engine and pulled onto the gravel road and sighed. "How's the arm?"

Rowdy chuckled, "It's fine. I've had worse. This is no where near to when I took all that shrapnel on that last mission. I think the infection was worse.  All those fang punctures and broken bones."

He shook his head. "I think that thing must have eaten germs for snacks.  I must admit, the rabies treatments were the worst part of the whole ordeal."

He turned to Beau, "Rachel give you any updates as to what was wrong with that monstrosity?"

Beau nodded, "We lucked out there, it definintely did not have rabies. She is still awaiting the results of the state lad, but she did say the animal was malnurished. It also had high levels of adrinelin in it's system. So the poor thing must have been terrified and half starved."

Rowdy sighed and changed the subject. "I was gettin' worried about Pop. I think he exhausted himself. Both he and Bobbi have been takin' turns stayin' with me. It got to the point that the doc ordered them to leave and get some rest. I, uh, made them promise to keep Trisha out of this. No one told her, did they?"

"Nope. Your baby sister is happily studying her little butt off in medical school." Beau grinned as he maneuvered the jeep along the winding road.

"I pulled rank and had Bobbi and your dad stay in a nearby hotel when they weren't at the hospital. Bobbi kept us updated on your condition, while Pop would call and ask about the ranch. I told him to stay there and not worry, there was enough of us to keep things runnin'. That man doesn't know the meanin' of stop. I didn't have a chance to tell Bobbi anything. She told me that she was takin' a leave of absence, course she says it's cause she's tired and burnt out."

Beau chuckled and glanced at his friend. "Gonna be interestin'. I don't think either of you are gonna be able to ignore your feelin's much longer, bro."

"You make that sound like a threat. You warnin' me off?" Rowdy asked with a half smile.

"Hell no! I think it's about time. I've had fun watchin' you two prancin' around each other." Beau said enjoying the dusky coloring that crossed his friend's face and chuckled.

When they went by Yancy's home Rowdy looked quizzically at Beau. "Before you ask, I have direct orders to take you to the main house so mom can see how her third son is doin'. Drina was gonna take the girls, and Kyle over too, so be prepared. Kaylee has been worried sick about ya."

Rowdy chuckled, "Never thought havin' attention from a bunch of kids would feel so good." He said and laid his head back on the headrest.

"Man, I'm tired. I don't know how anyone can rest in a hospital," he sighed contentedly and fell asleep.

Cowboy Mine (3B Ranch Series) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now