Accolades and More!

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The power of revising and editing... It shows right here. Infrared holds a special place in my heart because of that very first story I wrote. I'm so happy to announce that this first story is already winning awards and making it onto the Ambassador profiles! My very first story—right here, right now—has shown me just how much my writing has improved since 4th grade. I hope that it will do well, but regardless of its future, you, Infrared, will always have one real fan—the girl who became a writer because of you.

Thank you to everybody who has given my "treasure" a chance.

- Victoria/Viktoria

Review (s):

1.) "I literally have no words. Wow. Like, how breathtakingly beautiful can one write and create plots should be understood by reading this book of yours. I don't usually read Dark Fantasy books, but for some reason, your book lured me in. It was quite intriguing and interesting, to be honest. I really like how you portrayed AI Sada in your book, who wants to be a loving mother to her son, despite being a robot. We all know that robots are machines, and machines don't have emotions. But they do probably, and the monstrous emotionless ones are perhaps the humans, which, in fact, is very true, even in our present-day society."

- The Phoenix Awards 2023

2.) "OMG THIS IS FREAKING AMAZING! Thank you so much for this crazy awesome story and for keeping it (mostly) clean! Pokémon Scarlet is literally the best game ever, and I appreciate this story more than words can tell. I could write a book of praise for Infrared, but as a fellow writing nerd, I'll only state the necessities.

You really embrace the characters' personalities, with a perfect blend of action, romance, dark secrets, and heartwarming adventure. The end was so touching, it made me cry (although I cry about everything Pokémon: the end of Scarlet, Ultimate Journeys, all of the old games from the 1990s, etc.). Never have I adored a fanfic so much before.

Personally, I love Arven to death. His journey (both physical, mental, and emotional) throughout the game makes him the most complex character. Also, I feel like Sada deserves a second chance—such a great character who didn't have her chance to shine. Infrared gives her that chance, told through a roller-coaster ride of a story! Imagine how excited I got when I found Infrared, which emphasizes my three favorite Paldeans: Penny, Arven, and Professor Sada! To quote Ash, 'I'm totally siked!'

I've been wanting to write a fanfic where Arven and I and all of our Area Zero friends meet Sada again in the past, but it seems you already wrote it for me.

Keep it up, Writing Nerd, and all those other folks out there who love Pokémon as much as I do! You're amazing! May you find your treasure as our Scarlet buddies did!

'I bid you adieu!'"

- Quotev

3.) "Okay, okay, I've been DESPERATE for Pokémon fanfiction on here (and I'm not talking about those crossover fics or X reader fics, ugh).

But THIS? THIS ISNT JUST FANFICTION. THIS IS HAS BEEN SENT FROM ARCEUS. (I don't have the time right now but I'm reading this bad boy the whole way through)."

- Quotev

4.) "The book was gripping and the narrative style of the author was hooking throughout until the end."

- Hallow's Eve | Astania Awards 2023

5.) "Infrared is a captivating story about dealing with grief, finding redemption, and holding onto friendship and family. The author poured her heart and soul into this one as it's a tribute to her brother, and her love drips from every page. I highly recommend reading this story, as this will change your entire opinion on Fanfiction. It deserves every accolade."

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: InfraredWhere stories live. Discover now