Chapter 6

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I had arrived home around 7am, just before some of my family members awoke from their slumber. When I had re entered, Ethan laid on the living room couch sleeping, waiting for me. I walked over to him and gently shook him to wake him up, but he didn't budge until a few tries later.

"Brynn you're back?" He spoke in his raspy, morning voice while rubbing his eyes. I shook my head giving a light smile in hopes for one in return. He hasn't smiled at me genuinely in years. He didn't exactly smile back, but I could see the glimmer in his eyes for a split second before he quickly masked it again. Why does he feel like he can't show affection towards me?

In an instant, rage overtook him and he shot up from his sleeping position.
"Why the fuck did you leave last night." He yelled, still staying at a low volume so we didn't wake anybody else up.
I laughed in his face.
"I think you know damn well why."

"Enlighten me."

I stared at him, waiting for any sign of humor, but he was dead serious. He genuinely didn't understand why I left.

"Because I hate you guys." I plainly spat. There was no point in sugar coding it, I hated them, including Ethan. I still don't understand why I came back though, something about that text triggered me and I just stopped thinking. I honestly think it's because I long for love since I have none. I'd do anything for Ethan to treat me like his best friend again.

"Well the feelings mutual."

Why did I think anything was going to change.

"Whatever. I shouldn't of come back." I turned around ready to head up to my room before a hand was placed on my shoulder.

"Don't leave."

Ethan confused me so much. He was mean for one moment and then nice the next, I just don't get it anymore.

"Ethan why the fuck are you so mean to me. Like genuinely what did I ever do to you." I let all my thoughts spill out. Ive never had this moment with him so I seized it, knowing I probably wouldn't get it again.

His mouth flickered open before shutting it again. Something was holding him back.
"Because you're fucking ugly." He sneered, before laying back on the couch shutting his eyes once again. I stood there, tears brimming my eyes. I refuse to believe that's the real answer. I suddenly wondered how he even found my letter, so I asked him, despite his obvious disinterest for my questions.

"How did you even find my note so fast, I left it under my pillow."

No response. I watched his still body for a few moments. Does this bitch think I'm stupid or something, obviously he didn't fall asleep within 2 minutes. Ethan just kept his eyes shut, so I took that as a sign to leave.

I must have fell back asleep exhausted from my long travels, because next thing I know the smell of chocolate chip pancakes and sizzling bacon hits my nose, making me feel some type of comfort. In all honesty, I was just trying to justify my decision with coming back home. Anything that made me feel like I made the right choice. My door was abruptly flown open, and Luke stood at the doorway with a big grin on his face.

"Where's your checks that was in my room?"


I forgot I stole all my money back. Luke continued deviously smiling at me, clearly excited for the drama.

"I-I don't know." I stuttered, sinking into my bed so I didn't have to look at him. I knew Luke wouldn't believe that, but since he's one of my nicer brothers (He's still not nice at all) I had hope he wouldn't tell the rest.  It was silent for a few moments, and even though I hid myself under the covers I knew he was still there, thinking of some twisted idea.

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