Chapter 8

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TW at end of chapter.

My parents left the next morning as anticipated. Part of me thought it was all a fever dream, that is until they actually left. I was terrified to say the least about being home alone with my brothers for God knows how long. I was woken up by a huge bucket of ice water dumped all over me.

"AHHH!" I screamed, leaping out of bed. Obnoxious laughter filled the room. Luke and Ethan high fived each other and then pranced out of my room. I'm glad my misery brings them happiness.

"Such bitches." I mumbled, slamming my door shut and getting out of my clothes. I now had to wash my sheets and comforter, great way to start the day!

I passed by Carter while on my way to the laundry room. I tried to be a quiet as possible since I wasn't in the particular mood of getting insulted.

"Did you really think your fat ass could be quiet?" Carter laughed. He hadn't even turned his head to check who was making the noise.

"Merry Christmas to you too." I snorted.

"Oh, by the way, Mom and Dad got you a new phone which I felt I needed, so it's mine now." He said casually while taking a bite out of a piece of toast. I felt my entire face flush with anger. This is my one day. The one day something good happens in my life and once again it's stripped away from me. I bit my tongue to hold back the spoiled words threatening to escape.

"What did they get you?" I asked.

"A new tv."

I clenched my jaw. He's such a spoiled fucking brat, they all are. I opened my mouth to speak again but halted when a series of commotion rang out from above is. We both froze with confused faces. It sounded like a stampede.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Carter screamed. This resulted in instant silence. I assume the noise was coming from Luke and Ethan since they were both terrified of Carter. The only person in this family that threatened his position was Caleb.
Now that I think about it, they are probably the farthest away siblings in the family. They interact with each other maybe once a week. I think it's because their personalities clash too much. They both desire for control and power, and only one brother can have that.

Carter chuckled, clearly loving his new authority.

I went into the family room to watch some tv before it occurred to me that I hadn't spoken to Avery and informed her of my living dilemma yet. Now that it comes to me, I haven't spoken to her about anything at all in weeks. Oh right, she slept with Ethan.

I decided to call her cell. I've never been a person to hold grudges and frankly she's all I have. If she's got a good explanation for that catastrophe then i'd be more than happy to move on, but she didn't answer. Odd. I called her again, but this time an instant decline. I laughed to myself. She had no right to be mad at me, for I should be mad at her. Clearly, i'm more mature than she is. I'm reaching out despite she betrayed me and she can't even pick up to hear what I have to say?

My phone lit up with a notification.


Don't call me. We aren't friends.

I stared at that text utterly confused.

What do you mean we aren't friends?
You're the one that slept with my  brother.

I awaited for her response impatiently, but it never came. Instead, my texts turned green. She blocked me. What the fuck?

That only caused my curiosity to spike and I needed to know pronto what was going on.

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