Bonus Chapter 15.2: BallPit Fantasies

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Hi guys! Here it is, the next bonus chapter. Remember, I am uploading weekly now so please like and comment so I know whether you enjoy it or not.

Also, my other book has also been uploaded (it is also weekly) and is a fantasy romance. Check it out!

Let me know what bonus chapters you'd like to see in the comments.

So without further ado, the chapter-

"I don't know. It's just... I never liked this ride. You and Chance go on since you like it so much. I'll go get us some candy floss, yeah?"

"Okay" I chirped, happily. Aaron smiled in return, kissing me on the cheek lightly

"Be right back" he whispered and with that he moved away from me, said a quick goodbye to Chance before heading towards the candy floss machine.

I yanked Chance by his upper arm and pushing him into the seat beside me. The ride started and, honestly, it was cooler than I had imagined, but that's not what I was thinking about. I started thinking of how much better it would be if Aaron was sitting in the seat beside me.

The ride ended shortly after with me blabbing to Chance about how cool the ride was. I was expecting Aaron to be standing there, smirking; some candy floss in his hand, but he wasn't there.

But that wasn't what broke my heart.

I looked over to the line of the ride to find that the 'ticket girl' was also nowhere in sight.

Aaron's POV of the amusement park: Part 2


"Be right back" he lied before moving away from her. A girl like her would do too much to his heart and he knew it would be too much to take.

So, he didn't look back once as he walked away because it would make him falter yet again. He could hear the footsteps of the ticket girl following him and he clenched his hands by side to strengthen his resolve.

It was either to distract from the pain or to drown in it entirely.

And he had made his choice.

He had made the choice, despite knowing that he disgusted even himself. For it gave him an opportunity to forget then he would wholly take it without fear or thought of how it would affect his heart in the slightest.

"The funhouse is empty. For renovation."

He turned just his gaze as the tan girl from before came into view, walking beside him with a coy smile. That was all he could call her for he couldn't remember her name. Had she even told him? He didn't know and he didn't care as he nodded, watching as she ushered him over towards a backdoor with a single movement of her index finger.

He followed without words, the sound of the blaring music drowning out as they neared the desolate attraction. It was with the silence that his thoughts feared to plague him, so he distracted himself with his surroundings- the sound of their shoes crunching against dry leaves; the smell of popcorn in the air and the feel of the girl's hand as she gripped to his arm, pulling him into the darkness of the now-open backdoor.

"Just a second." Her voice arose through the darkness and he still said nothing, just taking note of the thick accent to her tone. He could only wonder for a second where it was from before a light flickered on and he spared a look to the blazing colours of the funhouse. There were coloured boxing bags dangling from the ceiling along with a sloping floor and a hamster wheel right beside it. It reminded him of the distant childhood days and he looked wistfully to the right where the ballpit stretched across the room.

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