You Don't Know Me

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I had woken up with a sense of triumph in me. It was an odd way to start the day for me and I'm sure my mom had noticed it from the way her eyes had burned holes in my head when I came down.

I had prided myself in being a planned, assured and meticulous person, so why had the sudden and random events of yesterday left me feeling triumphant?

It may have been the fact that I had threw an unplanned and unaccustomed wrench into the gears, but the car was running as great as ever. Or maybe the fact that I spoke to someone in what seemed like a century, so I didn't feel as much a social pariah. Most likely, was the fact that I wasn't the only one who faced hardships and I was- although saddened- glad to find out that even the 'popular' had problems too.

I had said goodbye to my mom after coming to that conclusion before making my way to the door.

I had decided to get some fresh air and eat breakfast in a cafe.

Wrong decision.

The outside of the cafe I chose had a homey feel to it and I observed in awe as well as fatigue, most likely from the 8 minute walk to get here.

When I walked in, the smell of freshly baked bread hit my nose, making me salivate. I was starving. I skipped over to a seat and scanned the menu. Choosing what I wanted, I told the waiter my order.

I tapped my fingers on the table to occupy myself whilst looking around the small, cute cafe. My eyes stopped immediately on the one thing that ruined my seemingly pleasant mood.

Opposite from me, Aaron was seated, but that wasn't what had me do a double take in confusion.

A redhead sat on his lap, facing towards the table as they scanned the menu. Her hand went back to play with his hair and his hands were settled around her waist.

A sudden shadow distracted me from the scene. A waiter plopped my food down on the table before me with a smile and I forced a tight smile in response to make him leave. The waiter walked off eventually, leaving me staring at Aaron and the familiar redhead in his arms. I recognised her as a girl from our school.

I was confused at his actions, but mostly angry. His story yesterday had moved me and I had gotten all emotional, feeling sympathy for his plight. But, his plight was most definitely not something I should have been worried about. He didn't seem to be distraught nor did he seem to be thinking about the huge agreement we had made just yesterday. He had wanted me to help him. But, how could I when he didn't seem to want to help himself?

I begrudgingly tore my eyes away from the sight lest anyone caught me staring and labelled be 'Joe' from You. I didn't need that problem on my head too. Instead, I focused on the food and ate grumpily, my eyes glazed as I lost myself to my thoughts.

Yesterday, he had looked like a man in need of help;  a broken man that I had respected. He had wished better for his mother and, in wanting so, had roped himself up with me. Of course, his methods of pleasing her were questionable but the intentions were clear- he wanted her happy.

However, he was far from that image right now and I turned slightly to see as she giggled as he spoke.

He had duped me.

I had heard tales of boys in books who would wove a tale of lies to lure the women and I had laughed at the women's naivety. I had found it so farcical for the girls to believe them yet I had heeded his outlandish words without so much as an ounce of doubt.

The very thought of being manipulated or lied to didn't sit comfortably with me and I pushed the tray away before laying money down, choosing to make my way to the exit. I had lost my appetite.

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