Honesty- A Friend & Foe

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Hey, guys!

Long time; no see. Kidding! I only saw you last week. Well, I didn't technically 'see' you, but anyhoo...

I've seen your comments on what MFB's song should be and you guys have great taste in music! Some that I liked in particular were:

'One last time' ~ Ariana Grande
'Wildest dreams' ~ Taylor Swift
'Amnesia' ~ 5SOS
'Where are you now' ~ Justin Bieber

I also thought that I'd say the ones that I had in mind.

'In the end' ~ Black Veil Brides (For Alexis)

'My immortal' ~ Evanescence (For Aaron)

'Bad Blood' ~ Taylor Swift (For Aaron and Elliot)

If you haven't heard these songs, I suggest you listen to them because they are amazing, especially the first song. Tell me what you guys think of my choices.

Well, with that tangent out of the way, let us get on with the chapter.



"What illness?"

We both froze in what we were doing as we heard the voice behind us. I recognised that voice. I looked to my mum, fear and shock on my face. She opened her mouth and closed it again, staring at the person behind us. I just remembered.

I had forgotten to close the door.


I turned around to come face-to-face with him- a look of shock on my face. I hadn't meant to leave the door open, but in the midst of all the dizziness, it was a small detail that I had regrettably forgotten.

Well, now it didn't seem that small.

"What illness?" He repeated, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He folded his arms over his chest in, what would seem, impatience. He was waiting for an answer and I knew I had to deliver.

However, changing the topic wouldn't hurt?

I forced a smile onto my face and moved towards him. Upon reaching him, I leant against the rotten door that had created this mishap, making sure to a whisper a curse or two at it.

I let out a small laugh, ushering him in.
"Erm, Justin, come in. What are you doing here?" I said all-too-cheerfully to which Justin raised an eyebrow. I mentally-cringed. If I were to succeed in fooling Justin, I would have to excuse myself for acting lessons because this was beyond pathetic.

Justin stepped inside, shutting the door behind him- something that I wish I had the sense to do.
"Don't change the topic, Alexis. What illness were you talking about?" His eyes darted from mine to my mothers who had remained mute since Justin's arrival.

Upon getting a taster of the infamous 'Justin Glare', she excused herself quietly and rushed into the kitchen, muttering something along the lines of 'always giving the guest a beverage'.

I sighed heavily at my mothers antics before turning my full, undivided attention to Justin.
"Let's go to my room. We'll talk there." I decided to which Justin nodded, following me up the stairs.

Upon reaching the room, I ushered him towards the bed. I smiled slightly as I watched Justin sit slowly on the bed; a cautious look in his eye. Finally, his behind reached the mattress and he looked at me with a blank expression; his back straight an rigid.

"Tell me." He said bluntly and I cursed, hoping he forgot after walking up the long flight of stairs.

I walked across the room towards the window.
"Can you believe this weather? It's so hot today. What do-"

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