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"We seriously need to talk, Alexis."


I moved further into the room she was stood in, cautiously. She motioned behind me to shut the door and I nodded my head in acknowledgement, closing the door slowly behind me.

Careful, Alexis. This is the part, in the movie, where a gullible character like you gets killed off.

I stood in a rigid state, swaying from left to right awkwardly and waited for her bitter tongue to seep the venom that was both usual and expected from her. However, no such words came and with a roll of her eyes, she moved closer to me.

"You know, I don't bite, right?" She said, a slight smile on her face. But, this wasn't the smile I was used to receiving from her, but rather a different smile altogether. She, suddenly, took me by the arm and led me over to the bed that was set on the other side of the room. I was not used to nor comfortable with the physical contact that just occurred, but stayed mute due to the fact that, at this moment, my curiousity exceeded my disgust. Fortunately, she removed her hand from my arm and settled down on the edge of the bed, patting the spot next to her, indicating for me to sit beside her. Reluctantly, I sat down on her right and folded my arms.

For what seemed like decades, there was an achingly long silence, in which Avalon seemed to be lost in thought. Biting her inner lip, she looked into the distance as though she was mentally phrasing her words carefully. Finally, she seemingly found the right words and spoke, her voice more gentle than what I was habituated to.

"Look, I'm gonna say this once and I'm gonna say it very fast, so try pay attention. I guess, I may have been a bit 'catty', in regards to my behaviour over the course of today, so I'm gonna apologise. Okay, now that's done, we cool?" She said, all in one breath, putting finger quotes around the word 'catty'. It took all but 2 seconds to process what she said and, when I did, I couldn't believe my ears.

Avalon had apologised to me?

I narrowed my eyes in thought. This couldn't possibly be real or genuine. Her sudden change in demeanour had to be anything, but innocent. I put my metaphorical 'Holmes' hat on and thought hard: What could she possibly gain from being nice to me?

Just as much as she could gain from not being nice to me.

So, there wasn't any obvious reason as to why she was being nice, but I was still reluctant to believe her. First impressions matter, and my first impression was created by hearing that she had cheated on Aaron, so she wasn't exactly a Virgin Mary, in my eyes.

She must have noticed the look I was giving her as she tutted, putting a stray blonde hair behind her ear.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, it's probably easier to think that I'm up to something, from what you've seen or heard, but I literally won't gain anything out of this. Look, do you want the apology or not?" She huffed in an exasperated manner

I mulled over what she said. Did I want the apology? The thought of Avalon apologising had never even occured to me, before this incident. And, if it did, I would have thought of it to be more satisfying than this.

Well, in my head, I always imagined her apologising on her knees, so...

Nevertheless, at this this moment, I was speechless. I didn't know how to feel or what to say, so I said the only word that felt appropriate.
"Why?" I muttered, more to myself than her, but the look on her face indicated she heard me.

She sighed heavily, before standing up and looking out the window; her back to me.
"Look, I love Aaron." She said, gently, but- to me- it felt like a punch in the face. Something about the way she said his name pained me. I shook my my head, dismissing the thoughts that were clawing at my insides. I listened intently as she continued.

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