First Day Of School

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Edric's POV

It's been a couple of days since Emira, Amity and I got back to our mom's house, since school is starting today. "EDRIC, COME ON HUNTER'S WAITING FOR US OUTSIDE!" I grabbed my bag off of the chair at my desk and made my way downstairs. "Im coming. and stop yelling!." Once I got downstairs I grabbed a piece of toast that was on a plate on the table and followed Em and Amity outside.

When I got outside I saw Hunter standing at the bottom of the stairs, "Hey Hunter!" I ran down to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Hey," He said as we started walking. "So, how's it been since you got back? Oh and sorry about not calling or messaging you the past three days, I was helping Darius with some stuff." "Yea, no worries, and its been weird, but no problems so far." I smiled, "So, how is cupcake doing?"

"Fine, you know being a puppy and getting into everything he can before I chase after him and put him back in the play pen." He laughed and I did to, "He sounds like he's having fun." "Yea, I think he misses you." I laughed again and said, "Well, mabey I can come see him today after school. The you and me can hang out." Hunter smiled and said, "Sound's good."

We finally made it to school and went our separate ways, meaning that Amity went to find Luz, Emira found Vinney and Hunter and I were left alone. We both took a seat on the front steps, "Hey, Hunter I have a question?" He turned his head to face me and said, "Yea?" "Well, you know how Darius took you in? Has he said anything about wanting to adopt you?" Hunter looked at the ground, "Well, yea he mentioned it a while after we moved into the new house, but I never gave him an answer. I wasn't sure yet how I felt about the situation, I mean I think of Darius as a dad, but I don't know."

He pulled his knees up to his chest and kinda hugged himself, I could tell that me asking his this was stressing him out so I decided to change the subject, "Do you wanna get Ice Scream after school?" He looked up at me and smiled, "Yea." I smiled back at him, and then scooted down to where he was sitting. "Last thing about what we were talking about, no matter what you choose, it will be a good decision." He leaned his head on my shoulder and said, "Thank you." I then gave him a kiss on his head.

The first day of school went by pretty quick, mostly because Hunter ended up in most of my classes and we were distracted. I walked out of my last class of the day and headed straight outside to meet up with Hunter. As soon as I spotted him, I made my way over to him, "Hey, you ready to go?" He smiled and took my hand in his, "Yea, lets go."

When we got to the Ice Scream shop, we walked in and ordered our Ice Screams, as Hunter grabbed our treats I went to find a booth that we could sit in. When I found one by a window, I sat down and waited for Hunter. A few seconds later Hunter sat down next to me and we began to eat our cold treats, you would think it would be difficult to eat them, you know since they are litterly screaming at you, but its not. You just have to eat the part that screams fast enough, I know it sounds bad but it works.

After we left the Ice Scream shop, we made our way back to Hunter's place.  Once we got there, we went inside and I saw my dad sitting on the couch reading a book, "Hey, dad." "Ed, hi, are you here to visit me or to spend time with Hunter?" I laughed and said, "Always to visit you, but I'm hanging out with Hunter and Cupcake for a while, oh and Flapjack of course." He laughed and said, "Ok, well did you want to stay for dinner? I'm sure your mother wont mind." I smiled, "Yea, I'd love to. Ill call mom." He smiled and went back to his book.

Hunter and I were in our room playing with Cupcake and Flapjack, when there was a knock on the door, "Come in." Hunter said, my dad walked in and said, "Dinner is ready, and what did I say about closed doors?" "Sorry, we didn't want Cupcake to run out of the room." He rolled his eyes as to say 'whatever' and then went back to the kitchen, we soon followed after Hunter put the dog back in his kennel.

We all sat down at the table and started to eat our food, "Edric, its nice of you to join us for dinner." I smiled and said, "Yea, I was missing this, even though its only been a couple of days." Darius laughed and continued to eat his food. When everyone was done with dinner, I decided that it was probably time to get back home, so I said bye to everyone and then Hunter walked me out of the house.

"Thanks for letting me come over, its the most fun Ive had since we got back to my moms house, all she's been doing is drinking and ignoring us, which sounds nice but its getting a bit concerning." "Have you mentioned it to your dad?" I shook my head and said, "No, he's finally happy, I'm not taking that away from him. Look I don't want to talk about it anymore." "Ok, ill see you at school tomorrow." I smiled and kissed him lightly, "Ill see you tomorrow." He smiled back and then I turned around to make my way back home.

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