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Maria's POV
It was darkness after the pain stopped.
All I could hear was my heavy breathing and could only feel the movement of my chest rising up and down.
My body felt heavy and all I wanted to do was sleep. I groan and opened my eyes.
At first I saw darkness but then I realized that there was something on my face. My hand immediately threw the thing off and I was blinded with light. As soon as my eyes adjusted I looked around to see I was in the pack hospital.
" It worked! "
I croaked out my voice ruff and dry from not using it.
I wrapped the blanket around my nude figure and stood up. I stumbled to the nearest bathroom to look in the mirror. I cringed as soon as I saw my reflection. I looked like death.(no pun intended ) I ran my fingers through my knotted hair and tried to find something to wear. I looked through the draws and the only things I could find were hospital gowns but they were no help because they had no cover in the back. I sighed and just decided to stick to the blanket wrapped around me.
I limped back to the room still weak from coming back from the dead.
I walked towards the door and slowly opened it. All I needed to do was find some female pack members room grab some clothes and maybe a shower.
After limping around I finally found a room. I opened the door and was greeted with bright blue walls with posters of Pokemon,Regular Show,Adventure Time, Twilight,etc. The sheets on the bed were dark green and her furniture was a dark brown. I kind of felt bad for invading this girls privacy but I needed clothes. I quickly grabbed the first things I saw which were a cream colored tank top with a black cat face in the middle, a pair of jeans, and the first pair of sneakers I saw.
I walked into her shower and quickly turned the water on and hopped in not caring if the water was cold.
After I finished I got dressed which was kind of difficult because her clothes were a little tight on me considering she was most likely a teenager. The only thing that fit me properly was her shoes. I quickly rushed out of her room getting the hang of walking again. Walking down the hall I heard voices of pack members and smelt all their familiar scents. Talking a deep breath I opened the door leading to the living/gaming room and opened the door.
" Miss me? "
I said loud and clear.



Alright I just wanted to say I'm so happy that Alexa A.K.A Wild_Forever is letting me finish writing this book! I'm posting the chapters that she has already written just for right now until I can get chapter 5 written please be patient I will try an update every Friday. All the love. x


(All credit goes to Alexa for the chapters 1-4)

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