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    Cassandra's pov

I walk past all the walking pedestrians that crowd the street. It's some kind of festival here in this small town slap dab in the middle of Alaska. I don't know why I packed up almost everything I owned and just moved right on to this block of ice everyone calls 'Alaska.' It was like something was calling me, pulling me here. It started deep in my chest and tugged like a sweater caught on a nail, it pulled at me and the closer I got to Alaska the more the feeling lessened. I'm not the one to believe in superstitions or anything that my science book can't tell me. I think the only thing I believe in is God but sometimes I even doubt if there is a real god because what makes all the other religions wrong from a different religion? Nothing.

I stop walking and stand on my tip toes trying to see over the tops of heads, I'm surprised at how many people are at this festival thing I thought there would be so little people that lived here considering the size of the town. I don't know why I'm here all I know is that it feels right. I try to push through the sea of people that's enjoying the festivities, walking past a shop with a glass window I stop to check my appearance. I inspect my jet black hair pushing a few strands behind my ears, my green eyes scan it over again making sure I don't look like a wet cat that has been blow dried and fluffed like a downy pillow.Shrugging my shoulders at my appearance I push on through the crowd making my way back to the small motel that I'm currently residing at. It's not to big and not fancy but at least it has a bed and a roof.

I push the door open hearing the scraping sound of metal on wood and the rusty springs in the door squealing in protest. The clerk looks up from the front desk giving me a friendly smile, she has a tooth missing right in the front. I walk to the wood desk and clear my throat putting my hand on top of the desk.

"Yeah I'm the person that requested a room and you gave me room 302, I was wondering if I could get the key to it?" I flash her my flirty crooked smile, this smile always works even if they are completely straight 'men' team. In my opinion I would be with who ever made me happy, I don't care if the gender was female, male , or transgender because love wins.

The woman smiles back and pulls open a drawer scrambling through finding the key for the room, she hands it over and bids me a goodnight. When I push the door open I get cold chills from the cold air rushing into the warm room, I walk under the sheltered sidewalk finding the red door with the numbe 302 on it. Unlocking the door I slide in and lock it back behind me, I walk over to the bed before throwing my self down with a  "hmp" I kick my boots off before unbuckling my pants and lifting my narrow hips off of the bed sliding the black skinny jeans off. I look over at the bedside clock seeing its only turning 9:00pm, even though it feels later I don't want to go to sleep because I don't want to have the dream or memory I have every night but without my will I drift into a restless sleep.

The leather strap father uses as a belt slaps my back again for the fifth time, he huffs out a couple of words telling me how I was a stupid little worthless girl just because I knocked over his precious scotch glass. His breathing is heavy from all the chain smoking, his eyes are blood shot red but that's normal.

"Next time you wont knock it over will you, you hideous mistake you should have never been born! Now get up and clean this glass up and pour me another glass" He plops back down in his shaggy recliner with a huff, I slowly get up with weak knees almost shrieking out from the raw soar skin stretching out. The pain in my ribs have yet to leave too, that one was from me simply just living, I limp to the small kitchen with yellow walls from years of disgusting cigarette smoke I stand on my tip toes grabbing a small scotch glass and filling it to the brim with bourbon before limping back to father as fast as I can so I'm not punished again.

"Here father, I'm sorry for braking your favorite glass" I look down at my feet from fear I'll be slapped.

"Child give me your hand" He says in a to sweet voice like candy that's so sweet that it hurts your teeth. I give him my hand thinking maybe he actually feels bad this time for hitting me so much.

"This will make up for it" He says through gritted teeth before he pushes the hot end of his cigarette into my forearm using it as a ash tray. I scream and try to wiggle out of his grasp but he tighten his grip on my wrist making it feel like he's crushed the small bone to splinters, he twists the hot ember on my skin making the smell of burnt hair and flesh even more stronger. He finally lets go of my wrist that already has a purplish bluish bruise forming before pushing me down to the floor.

"Now get out my face you bastard!" I scramble to my feet, stumbling before successfully making it to the small bare room I call my safe haven.

That wouldn't be the last time I would become his living ash tray.

I startle awake soaking in sweat, I stumble to my feet before running to the bathroom switching on the showers ice cold water before crawling in and laying in the bottom of the tub letting the cold water seep through my clothes and washing away the cold sweat with the dream of the only devil I've ever met face to face.





New character!!

I hope you guys love this even though it was sad!

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