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3rd POV

Maria watches Nina paste the business room floor back and forth, back and forth. She feels that it's her fault that they were attacked, when in reality it was no ones. Maybe it's everyone's fault, maybe it was no ones but only the universe knows that. Nina keeps pasting and biting her nails away, Maria just simply stares off in space while making a master plan.

Nina's POV

I chew my nails down to the bit till they bleed. I don't know what to do, I feel like it's my fault and that I could have done something, I know it's useless beating myself up about it. "Nina just sit down please, your pasting is unnerving and it's bothering me." Maria says in a flat voice that just sounds like she's giving up. I walk over to the couch and plop down with a "hmp" and then looking down at my feet while pulling on my hair with my hand. If I could have just got free I could have stopped them from taking Xavier, I could have saved most of the pack that got brutally slaughtered while trying to defend our pack house.

Everything is just shit right now! When are we going to be happy again?! Or at least content?! Why does now days there's always a fight happening here or war raging on the horizon. It's like we are always watching our backs these days, always waiting for something to jump from the woods or snatch us up. I pull at my hair even harder almost hard enough to snatch it from the roots, maybe a little bit of physical pain would take away all this sad pitiful feeling I'm having for myself. That just makes me even a worse person because it's selfish to be worrying about how I feel when Maria and I should be at the pack house comforting our people, and helping them set up everything we do for the death rituals.

We're beasts, always selfish in some way.

I just wish that we could just stop always being at war or always trying to save someone! I drag the tip of my boot across the floor a little making a scuff mark on the hard wood floor of the cabin. I just wish there was something I could have done to save them.

Maria's POV

I watch Nina snatch on her hair almost snatching the delicate strands completely out. She's got this deep crease between her eyes brows that lets me know she's thinking extremely hard about something that's bothering her.

For some reason I've been having this weird feeling like somethings missing or maybe the other half of me is gone, maybe it's because I miss Xavier? I wish I could have saved him—or all of them. As selfish and cruel as this sounds I would have saved Xavier if I could and not the others in the pack house, if I could choose to keep him with me or save the others, I would choose Xavier. Xavier will always be my first choice.

"Maria we have to make a plan, we have to get Xavier back" Sasha says weakly.

" I know, but right now we need to go and set up the ritual for the lost ones, the ones lost trying to protect their home." I say

" I know but I am cruelly selfish, and I want him back so bad—like you." She says

"First the ritual and then we'll plan our next move an avenge our lost ones and save Xavier" I can feel her fade to the back of my conscious. All of a sudden I hear someone pounding up the steps to the front door of the cabin, it's Logan who busts through the door breathing heavy like he just ran a marathon.

The words that leave his lips almost knock me over when they reach my ears, he says, " Come quick Maria, it's Max."





-little bit of a cliffhanger there for ya! 😈

-please vote and comment, let me know what you think loves!

-updating if this chapter reaches 30 votes (if it doesn't then I'll still probably update......or maybe I won't. 😑

until next time......

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