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Xavier's POV

Two days. That's how long it's been since Maria pushed me and told me this was all my fault. Truthfully I know it is all my fault, if I wouldn't have tried and protected that girl then I wouldn't have left my own territory. I'm starting to feel physical pain by knowing she probably hates me, it's a excruciating pain that never stops. When her electric blue-green eyes look at me it feels like their licking my soul, tasting all my fears of her rejecting me.

I need to talk to her. She probably won't listen, my inner voice makes a snide comment.

That's one of the things I love about her. She's so head strong and stands up for what she loves, she would fight to death to protect what's hers,

I'm standing out here leaning against this tree, wallowing in my self pity. I start examining the tree out of boredom and notice some chunks missing - looks like someone took some anger out on this poor tree. I sniff the tree and smell a odd smell, it smells like a wolf scent mixed with something else - I'm not for sure what the second smell is.

"I should try and track it." Great I'm talking to myself now, I'm sure someone would think I'm insane if they seen me because for 1 I'm sniffing some random tree in the middle of the forest 2 I'm talking to myself!

I shift into my wolf so I can track better. I can smell the scent but it's faint because of the rain shower. Come to think of it, it's been dark ever since then. I sniff the ground and smell blood, nuzzling the ground with my snout I catch the same scent that was on the tree. Keeping my head low to the ground I follow the scent whoever this is was bleeding. I'm starting to find another scent it's pure wolf nothing mixed.

The scent leads exactly to a river and then disappears. Whoever they are they must have swam across the river.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, didn't anyone ever tell you not to go snooping around?" I snap my head up and see a red headed woman looking down at me with her chin between her thumb and pointer finger. She has livid eyes that makes you feel like she can read your mind. I can feel alpha power radiating off of her.

"I guess you'll have to come back with me." A evil conniving smile reads across her face showing off her perfect white teeth. She raises her hand, finger tips upward as if she wanted a high five, I stare at her hand dumbly.

She squeezes her hand into a fist while staring at me with those green eyes that could burn a hole. As she squeezes her fist it's like she's crushing my body - I crumple onto the ground, letting out shrill wines. She squeezes her hand tighter and my body contracts inwards, I hear some cracks indicating bones are breaking. The pain is unbearable, a satic smile stays on her face, she never once blinks she keeps eye contact with me it's as if I'm under a spell because I cannot break the connection. I lay crumpled on the forest floor - the pain reaches it's point to where blackness swoops in.

* * *

I open my eyes slowly, everything is blurry when my vision focuses I see I'm in some dark cell. It smells musky and old. Sitting up on my knees I look around - out through the bars and see more cells that look exactly like the one I'm in. I stand up weakly and groan out in pain, I'm sure some ribs are broken. I move to grab the bars but when I'm half way there something stops my foot from going any further - looking down I see a shackle clamped over my right ankle and the shackle is attached to the far wall.

I hear something "Clack, Clack, Clack" it sounds like someone has rings on and is running their hand over the metal bars.

"Who's there?" I try to sound unfazed but my voice is horsed from a dry throat.

No answer.

"I said who's there?!"

"Your worst nightmare" shit, it's the woman, how did she do that in the forest? It was like she had some kind of powers.

I walk as close as I can to the bars"Look bitćh, you better let me out of here" a female, ring clad hand juts through the bars grabbing me by my throat. Damn she's strong.

Her grip on my throat tightens making me wince she then speaks through gritted teeth. "Language! You will talk to me with respect! GOT IT?!" She screams the last part in my face. This is taking a chunk out of my pride because I gotta admit. I'm scared. She let's go of my throat so I can answer her, wheezing - I cough trying to catch my breathe.

"Answer. Me." She emphasizes both words.

"Yes, I got it"

She gives me a bitter sweet smile.

"Good, anyways I'm glad you're awake I need you to do something." I don't like how low her voice got.

"What do you want me to do?" I spit the words out like they have a bad taste.

"I want you to go back to Maria's shitty little pack and tell her about one of my powers - the one I used on you." My mouth drops open, she has powers!

"How? How did you do that?" I ask

"I'm not full wolf that's all you need to know for now." She reaches into her back pocket and brings forth the keys to unlock the cells with. Unlocking the cell, she walks in and bends down unclasping the shakle.

"Follow me" she turns around not bothering to look back to see if I followed. I rush out and follow her up some steep stairs that lead to the main floor of a warehouse. We walk over to the door and she holds it open for me - Where am I?

She answers my question before I can ask. "Just follow the path until you come to the river - hope you don't mind getting wet because you have to swim it, Bye-bye sweetness." She blows me a kiss and shuts the warehouse door. How the hell did she get across the river with me. I let my eyes adjust to the darkness before walking, this is gonna be a long path I can tell.





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