Part 1

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I was walking down the street when I got hit by a truck and died. Normal people would find this a disturbing sight, but after dying, I was taken to a room with two chairs, a table, and a lot of paper that was floating. It was certainly an odd sight to see a stack of paper floating on its own. I decided to sit down since there was nothing to do.

When I did sit down, somebody appeared in the other chair. This got a slightly scared and very confused look from me. "So before you start asking questions, know you are going to be reincarnated. You don't really have a say in the matter. You will be reincarnated whether you like it or not, so you can choose to willingly reincarnate to make my life easier and receive a wish, or don't and make my life harder." This took a few seconds to respond to since, well, it was very sudden.

"Uhm, I will willingly reincarnate, but where exactly will I reincarnate?" "You've seen My Hero in Academia, right?" I nodded "Good, that's where you're going." I was a bit shocked. I mean, MHA wasn't the best, but it also wasn't the worst.

"So do I get to choose my quirk, or is that random?" The person looked at me and said this: "You won't be a person in My Hero Academia; you will be a quirk. So you can choose what to be for a main character's quirk."

I thought about what I wanted to be. I knew I wanted to be a quirk that instantly summons me and keeps me summoned, but I also doubted I could be a human. After a bit more thinking, I said, "I want to be a night fury so that when their quirk activates for the first time, I get summoned and stay summoned even if their quirk gets destroyed, with the ability to change my size from the size of a baby night fury to an adult night fury. I also want them to get Hiccups wing suit from the second movie."

They looked at me and said, "You can't be permanently summoned. But if they want to, they can keep you summoned. The wing suit and saddle will be summoned along with you." I nodded but asked. "Can you make it so if I'm not summoned, I'm in my own dimension?"

They appeared to be thinking, but they nodded. "How about this. You will be reliving the movie, and shows that Toothless lived through, and when you get a new ability in that dimension, you can also use it when summoned." I thought about it and agreed. They then handed me a piece of paper and told me to sign it; after reading it, I signed it, and then I saw a flash of light.

When I opened my eyes, I saw three people. One was a little girl with black hair in a ponytail and black eyes, and the other two both had black hair; one had long straight black hair that went down to her middle back, and the other had a hairstyle similar to Shoto Todoroki's, just with black hair.

I looked around and saw I was inside a house. I looked down and noticed I was pretty big, so I shrank myself down to the size of a baby night fury, which is about as big as a dog. I looked at the kid in front of me and turned my head the same time they did. I heard the parents talking to her. "Momo, be careful; we don't know if it will hurt you." I growled at being called "it" and looked at the two adults but didn't attack. I then started stretching my wings. "Can we take them outside? I want to see them fly!" I heard the little Momo ask. The parents nodded, and we went outside.

Once outside, I started trying to fly for the first time, which was surprisingly easy for me to grasp. I started flying in circles, then landed. I looked around and spotted some trees pretty close, so I decided to try a plasma blast. I gathered the flameable gas in my mouth and shot one out. It didn't even make it halfway.

I then walked back to the three and laid down after heating the stone I was standing on. I'm probably going to make her earn my trust; even if I am a quirk now, I'm still a living being. So when I noticed she tried to pet me, I moved, causing her to bring her hand back.

Her parents asked if she could try de-summoning me. She tried, and I was now in the first Httyd movie. The next time I was summoned was after Hiccup gained my trust. It was weird to live two lives at the same time. I saw Momo but couldn't see her parents this time; however, I heard the saddle and wing suit fall to the ground next to me.

Momo just talked about what happened today and soon stopped. "You don't have a name, do you?" After I shook my head no, she decided to name me. "How about... Nightshot?" I thought about it and then agreed. She tried petting me again, but I just lightly slapped her hand with my tail.

This was the pattern for the next few weeks: she would summon me and then talk about her day, though one time I was summoned in a classroom with a bunch of kids trying to pet me right when they saw me. I instantly started growling, causing them to back away. 'I just finished fighting the screaming death, and now I'm in a classroom.'

I looked at Momo with a deadpan expression. She apologized and sent me back to the other dimension. Another few weeks passed, and she started earning more of my trust; similar to Hiccup, she started feeding me fish and started writing about what I normally do.

And soon, two months had passed since I was first summoned, and she had fully earned my trust. I guess I forgot to mention, but she does still have her creation quirk. I saw her use it once when trying to recreate the wing suit.

Now let's skip a few years. Momo is now ten years old, and her parents have given her permission to try flying on my back. So I grew to full size, and they put the saddle on. Momo had recreated the wing suit to fit her since she was still a bit too small for the first one. Once she got on, I stood up and started flying, which was hard when she pulled on the handles of the saddle too much.

I chose to land on the ground to make sure we wouldn't repeat what happened to Hiccup on his first flight. In recent years, she has been summoning and de-summoning me more frequently. I am currently about halfway through the second movie in the other dimension, so I should be getting stronger soon.

They went inside to eat while I went towards the ocean to get some fish. Some pros, such as Ryukyu and Hawks, saw me and assumed I was a person using their quirk to fly around. Hawks followed me the whole time, while Ryukyu left after about ten minutes when she noticed Hawks catching up to me. 'This will be fun' I thought while smiling.

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