Part 3

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Around a week passed, and Momo got her results from UA. She summoned me so her parents and I could see the results with her. "I could be a mouse, a dog, or a bear, but what matters most is that... I'm the principal!" They looked shocked at seeing Nezu but started listening when he started speaking again. "Now I would like to congratulate you on passing the UA entrance exam with a total of 65 points." They started cheering but stopped when he spoke again. 

"However, that isn't all your points; you gained rescue points! These are given to participants who saved others during the exam. You gained 25 rescue points! As a result, you took first place overall. "Congratulations on passing, and I hope to see you at UA as a student in the future." Once the hologram turned off, they started celebrating and asked their chefs to make some food to celebrate Momo passing the exam. 

While they were celebrating, I snuck into the kitchen and decided to steal some fish. I got a mouthful of fish and was leaving when I was caught by a chef. We had a stare-down, and after a few seconds, I bolted out of the kitchen. When the family saw me, I heard Miko, who was Momo's mom, sigh. "Nightshot, what did we say about stealing fish?" I looked at them with the fish still in my mouth and swallowed all of them, giving a smile, which was hard to do as a dragon, so it turned out like Toothless when he tried.

I heard them all sigh, but nobody said anything else to me. I walked over to the stone they'd brought in and warmed it up before lying down and falling asleep. I woke up to the sound of something breaking. I sniffed the air and was immediately on guard. 'Someone is here.' I ran toward where the smell was the strongest and found somebody about to enter a room. I grew to my full size and pinned them to the ground with claws around their neck, then I roared to wake everybody up.

I heard two doors open and soon heard running. When they got to the first floor, they saw me pinning somebody to the ground. Miko started calling the police, and when I noticed the person try to activate their quirk, I roared in their face louder than last time while activating "Alpha Mode." This got them to stop trying. Momo came over and removed their hood, and I saw Mr. Compress. I charged a plasma blast while we waited for the police, and Momo started questioning him. "Why did you break into our house?" When he didn't respond, I started growling and charged up the plasma blast even more. "Alright, I was just trying to steal some stuff." Momo tapped my head twice, making me lower the charge on the plasma blast. The police soon arrived and took him away. I was asked to stay awake and make sure nobody else broke in, which was simple enough; I mean, I have done so before.

They soon went to bed, and a few hours later they woke up and saw one of their front windows broken due to Compress. They called somebody to get it fixed, then started eating breakfast. "Momo, don't forget to change into your uniform; you start UA today." I saw her nod. "Alright father." Then, once she was done eating and changed, we made our way to UA. This time, however, I flew both of us to UA. We got there pretty early, so we had nothing to do. It took around 10 minutes before people started trying to pet me, causing me to go into "Alpha Mode" and roar at them, making them back away except for Jiro and Momo. They knew when I was annoyed and mad. When I'm mad, I roar loudly, and when I'm annoyed, I roar quietly, though I had to do a much quieter roar since Jiro was in the classroom. I was then pet on my spine flaps, causing me to open them. After a few minutes, the final two students arrived: Midoriya and Uraraka. And then Aizawa stood up and told them. "Go get changed into the UA sports uniform, then head outside." I decided to follow him so I could fly for a bit.

He noticed me following but didn't say anything. Once we made it outside, I started flying and doing tricks. It took ten minutes for everybody to make it outside. Aizawa explained about the tests, then told Momo to throw the ball since she got first place. I landed beside her as she threw the ball and hit it with a baseball bat she made; before it hit the ground, I flew forward and grabbed it, taking it farther. I flew two miles away and came back after setting the ball down. It's safe to say she got the second-best score from the ball throw. She did the rest of the tests without my help. Then, after the quirk test, it was time for the normal classes, so I just flopped down next to her and she de-summoned me. Except for me having to fight the screaming death again, nothing exciting happened between the two movies. When I was summoned again, it was at the mansion. Then around a week passed, and they had some hero classes but nothing with their costumes—mostly just training in hand-to-hand until it was time for their first indoor battle training with All Might. Momo had two costumes. One was her original costume, and the other was the wing suit. Since discovering that dragon scales were fireproof, she has begun to create a full dragon scale version of the wing suit.

After they changed, they walked out as I was sitting at the end of the tunnel waiting for Momo. When the match started, me and Momo went to beat the other two and knock them out, while Mineta stayed and guarded their bomb. "Remember, Nightshot, no serious injuries on them, got it?" I rolled my eyes as we made our way down. She reminded me every time we trained against each other. I soon stopped, and when she saw that she had tapped my head once, we came up with a system on how to quietly communicate: one tap was to ask if somebody was nearby, two taps meant to not attack, and three taps meant to attack. When I nodded my head, she created a staff and got ready. Then she tapped my head three times, and I charged at the first person who appeared around the corner, causing Kaminari to flee in terror. I passed Jiro, who started to fight Momo as I chased down Kaminari, who stopped and turned around. "Why don't you be a nice dragon and let me go? If you do, I won't electrocute you." I looked at him as if he was an idiot. "Damn it..." I heard him whisper. I then charged at him, causing him to shoot off his electricity, which, didn't affect me.

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