Chapter 13 - Vigilant v. Vigilante

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Izuku POV

A shadowy figure rests on a water tower.

That was my first act as a vigilante

I think I punched him too hard

You changed the color of his arm

I definitely punched him too hard

I'll hold back next time, he was just a bit tricky for me because he had a knife, and I'm not smart enough or experienced enough to deal with that.

Well, his moves were pretty easy to read, you just see his contracting bicep and-



I don't care you did that to avoid my explanation, I'm gonna enjoy this

*sigh. I just can't catch a break, what's a man gotta do to just kill himself in peace? I don't want others to do it, that's not allowed, they've got a whole other life in front of them compared to me, and that's why I just want to pass silently. I don't need to bother others when I die... but GREEN has to be that guy to push me, "Head," to talk with them. "I'm not part of the emotional department" my ass, you get as much insane joy as there is when it comes to your deathmatches.

I'm a monster.

I twist the hearts of others to the point that they would suffer if I died, the guy who did it in the first place.

I'm a monster.


The sun rises over a sleeping white-haired adult-looking teen, just enough for him to hide his green eyes as he walks his way to the local bar.

"HEYYY!! It's Rufiji!" An eager drinker waves at me from the opposing table. "You're finally gonna down one!?" another yelled from the same table.

These were some of my bar friends, Shinku and Same. The first was a young man in his early 20s, he has a strong figure with jet-black hair that he cut as a side fringe. The latter was a guy only 4 years older than me, he had dark blue hair as a quiff and had a typical male I-go-to-the-gym vibe about him.

The bar I went to was a relatively small place with a very friendly atmosphere. The bartender only asks for your ID once if you want a drink and kicks you out if you're underage, luckily, I look tall enough so that I can get in with no issues.

I sat at the table, "Nah, I'm just not into it, to be honest." "Cmoooon, I wanna challenge you to a dead beer fight!" Shinku persistently said. "No is no, now I don't see Kenban anywhere or Eikyo, where are they?"

"They're not coming today, something about a big project they want to start..." Same said.

"Oh that's a shame, tell them I would love to help," I responded. "Get a phone," "No."

Aizawa POV

It's another day at UA... goddammit why can't the hero association just pay me more, because of them, I have to deal with these problem children.

"Aizawa! When is our next test?" Mina asked. "It's tomorrow, an English one."

That damn vigilante has been stuck in my head for 3 days, why? It's not like I've dealt with particular problematic vigilantes in the past... is it because they save those kids? Is that why my mind is on them? I just can't think-

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