Chapter 47 - Hand-to-Hand

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Suddenly, Bakugo then came out of nowhere and used his quirk again, completely encasing Fist in another blast. Through the blinding light, Izumi could just about see Fist's eyes and they looked like they were... in light ecstasy? In the end, the outcome was the same and Bakugo was still shocked by what he saw. In worse news, Izumi let her guard down for a moment. This led to Fist taking advantage of the opportunity to pull one hand and push with the other, completely changing the balance of force and lifting Izumi into the air. He then spun her around once and let go right in front of Bakugo, cannonballing them together into the window.

As Fist gazed at how helpless they had become, he began to maniacally snicker for his own power...what was he so scared about in the past? They didn't stand a chance, to begin with.


Aizawa... With the last remaining meters of his scarf, he threw a disappointing attempt at ensnaring Fist, and by now... it was getting too annoying.

Fist turned to him with a blood-red aura and Aizawa for the first time, felt an inkling of fear. Fist ran at him at full speed, looking to cause some serious harm. Aizawa, in response, quickly pulled back his capture weapon to take advantage of the shorter distance and tried again to wrap it around Fist's leg. Seeing it coming, Fist instead grabbed the remains and yanked it back, making Aizawa lose his balance. Now, with no way to escape, Fist pinned Aizawa to the wall with his shoulder and continuously crushed him against it until it fracture enough to break through. Pieces of the wall lay on the ground next to Aizawa who was barely still conscious. The repeated impacts on his spine and head gave him blurry vision, all he could see was the gleaming shard from before, at the hand of Fist's figure in front of the moon. Fist grabbed the little remains of the once-long capture weapon and straightened it in his hand. Then, he slowly let the shard glide over it and cut it down to unusable scraps, the last thing Aizawa saw before finally losing consciousness.

"Now it's just you and me... old friends..."

Back through the second opening the facility suffered today, Fist saw Izumi had gotten back up and stood at the center of the room while heavily panting. From Izumi's perspective, all she could see was a horrific monster that had just knocked out her teacher, ready to bring her down as well. At a moment's notice, she activated One For All - Full Cowling, just as Fist slowly raised his heels and lowered his body. The both of them then dashed forward at full speed, entering a collision that shook the entire Factory.


Fist dashed forward head first toward Izumi emanating as much bloodlust as Stain. Izumi didn't move and stood firm in her stance, despite her angst. Once Fist got close enough, she quickly sidestepped to avoid his grasp, countering it by punching him in the head. Despite the shockwave it created and fist stumbling back for a couple of seconds, he gazed right back at her in an instant. Fist ran forward again, and Izumi intended to push him back into a wall using Texas smash, but at the last moment, he jumped over it, avoiding the gust entirely. Izumi panicked and tried to quickly move away, but she was too slow for the-


punch, right in her shoulder. The pain stung gruesomely, but One For All hardened her body just enough not to break a bone or rip a muscle. "SEEMS LIKE YOU CAN TAKE A HIT! THAT'S GOOD!" bellowed Fist in joy. Izumi now had to act defensively for the plan to work, she needed more time, but the assault was relentless. Wherever she moved, he would catch up in seconds chasing after her.

The battle still raged on, and although it was in a chase for a couple of minutes, it quickly returned to what it was meant to be. Izumi used One For All to the greatest extent she ever did, smashing left and right, some missing and some connecting. Yet every time, Fist bore it with concerning stoicism and hit back just as hard in other cases. Their movements became parallel as well, Fist jumping off of walls and swinging through pipes at the same speed as Izumi. Although it's unknown how many wounds Fist sustained, compared to Izumi's multiple marks across her limbs, the outcome was clear. In the grand scheme of things, Fist would endure more than Izumi could.

The both of them for once stood still on the ground and had a short, yet intense, staredown. Izumi began by charging up a Detroit smash in her right arm, Fist took notice of it and also readied a punch of his own. The two lunged at each other gritting their teeth, ready to demonstrate who was the strongest. The collision was imminent and at the last second... Izumi changed the direction of her attack to Fist's chest. Fist couldn't react fast enough to deflect it and suffered an excruciating pain that rattled throughout his body, layers of flesh pushing against each other as the armor couldn't absorb most of the blow. He was sent flying into the back wall, forming a crater following the gust of wind. It was at that moment that Fist realized what happened, Akie's quirk, Painkiller wore off. His nerves were no longer numb.

Through it all, Red still got the adrenaline flowing even if Head knew what was going on, the both of them were deceived by their own pain and hatred. Fist provokingly yelled, "WHAT A TRICK! I THOUGHT HEROES PLAYED FAIR, BUT I GUESS THAT'S JUST YOU!" He awaited a response from a panting Izumi, but it wasn't what he expected.

"NOW!" *crackle-* *FREEZE*

Fist stood dumbfounded, most of his body now encased in ice. "Nice job Todoroki!" "Don't praise me, it was impressive that you kept him occupied for so long." Fist immediately knew what would be next and quickly began to try and break free, already giving his shoulders more room to move. Todoroki ran toward him "Quickly, they're trying to break out!" and another voice exploded forward yelling "I KNOW!" Bakugo flew right above Fist and concentrated his attack to one point on his helmet, making it fracture violently thanks to the cold. Fist struggled again, now breaking his knee free and smashing the ice from the inside with what little leg room he had. Izumi jumped up right after Bakugo and ripped a large part of Fist's helmet revealing the white hair under. "NOOOOOO!" Fist roared in rage as she then quickly place her open hand on his head... and activated Soul Field.

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