Chapter 36 - Incoming

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"Today, you two will be patrolling in your hero outfits as a part of an underground investigation." Just one day after barely managing to get accepted into this agency, I'm already presented with a serious situation. "The Nighteye agency has been secretly investigating a designated villain organization called the Shie Hassaikai. We suspect them of several illegal activities, but the proof still has to be organized by the police, in the meantime, it would be better to observe them." "Wait, I thought we were still looking for proof?" said Bubble Girl. "Thanks to the negotiation last evening, that won't be necessary anymore." "Did you actually meet up with the vigilante?!" said Bubble Girl to both Mirio's and my surprise. "The details can wait later, now is the time to head out."

Before we followed Nighteye and Bubble Girl, Mirio asked me something. "What's your hero name?" I responded with Soulstorm. "Interesting, mine is Lemillion, because I vow to save a million people in my life!" he said happily. "Now remember, as soon as we step out that door, we're heroes and we can't let our guard down." I nodded in agreement.

The first couple hours went by smoothly, being asked for pictures sometimes by passersby and no villains in action. It was only after Mirio had to rapidly leave my side for something that things took a turn.


"Oh, I'm sorry!" A little girl just ran out of the alleyway and bumped into me by accident. She had white hair and a horn sticking out of it, as well as... bandages? On her arms and legs?

"C'mon... we shouldn't cause problems for the heroes now should we?"

I looked up and saw a man coming out of the darkness. With a green jacket and purple fur, while wearing a bird mask, this was... this was the villain Kai. "I'm sorry about that hero... my daughter gets carried away playing pretend." His voice sounded dishonest and dark, I can't bring myself to trust him. "Soulstorm! Put on your mask!" a distant Mirio yelled. I quickly put it back on as he then saw what the situation was. "Oh, I'm sorry sir! We were just passing by!" "No need to apologize, I should be the one doing that in fact."

"I don't remember ever seeing you here... are you rookies?" "Why... yes we are!" "Oh? What hero association are you a part of?" "Oh! Uh... we're just doing some field training." "Hmm, alright." "Well! We better get going now!"

"...Don't go..."

Before I could stand up, I felt her slightly pulling my shoulder, at the same time, her voice was strained and she looked terrified. "Sir... Your daughter is scared..." I said. "Oh, that's because I just scolded her" "But... what about the bandages?" "She's quite a clumsy child, recklessly endangering even." Damn it, if the situation were better, I would have used my quirk on her, but I can't while she's holding on to me and Kai is watching. "You shouldn't impose what you believe on others, hero" responded Kai in a threatening manner. "Y-Yeah, not everyone has the same circumstances, and... there's nothing wrong with that!" said Mirio.

I understand what Mirio is trying to tell me, but this girl is desperately holding on, no matter what circumstance, a child should not be this afraid. What- "What are you doing to her!?"

"*sigh* I should have expected this. Well... would you mind following me? It's an embarrassing subject..."

Mirio and I began to enter the alleyway with the girl still tightly holding my hand. "That girl defies me all the time... children are curious creatures no? They're even harder to raise properly..." Ignoring what he was saying, I could sense a killer's intent as he was slowly removing his glove-

"Ah, it seems you've regained your senses Eri."

"Well... I thank you for listening to my worries, heroes"

"I bid you goodbye."

The... girl just ran towards him. But- he clearly had killer intent! She shouldn't- "Stop." Mirio was holding me back. "We need to follow Nighteye's orders, this was already a bad situation." I had to restrain myself, but we turned around and headed back toward the street. "We need to report this to sir Nighteye immediately" "Yes, we need-"

Another sudden chill went down my back. This felt like bloodlust... A similar bloodlust from... the other side of the road!

I quickly looked and was horrified at a pair of eyes staring me down from the opposing alleyway, it looked like a monster, twitching to move. "Izumi, are you alright?" I looked at Mirio, "Don't you feel that?!" "Feel what?" "From there!" I said as I pointed to the other side of the street, but the figure was gone. "I don't see anything... what did you feel?" "There was bloodlust! Like a killer!" "...Ok, we need to leave, now."

After a quick phone call, we met with Sir Nighteye. Even though I expressed my frustrations at the situation, he instead scolded me saying that I shouldn't get impatient, which only irritated me more. We then got dismissed for the day, saying that we should come back in 5 days.

All of this left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Izuku POV

I can't fucking believe it, she left her behind

Let's hope the Nighteye will act a little faster at least

I want to punch her in the face so hard-


It had only been a couple of hours since I was stalking the Nighteye agency but I was still pissed. She was right there! And they didn't do crap about it! Oh- once these desires get out, I'm going to bring her death before mine. I promise it.

Whatever the case may be, all I can do now is continue to be a thorn in the yakuza's side. Just need to hold out until the police get off their ass and do something. The days feel longer every time I have to annoy them. Perhaps tomorrow I should do something a little more dangerous... maybe actually enter a room for once. Although I would easily risk capture, it could be a good show that I'm not afraid to directly tamper with their production. Yeah... I'll do that tomorrow.


As planned, I once again stood outside secret door number 4 to enter their bottom premises.

Getting in was no issue, they never did figure out how to hide the codes from me. It was more that I now stood in a particularly curious stalemate. In front of me stood two of the League of Villains, Toga and Twice.

"Is that the guy that Birdman told us about?!" Twice said, pointing at him. "I feel like I've seen them before..." said Toga. "I don't know what you're doing here either, don't you have some other place to ravage?" "Oh please! I hate being here anyways! I miss that little Izumi..."

In an instant, I charged forward to try and punch her. She managed to dodge at the same time as bringing her knife out to try and stab me, although it wasn't enough to pierce through my armor. "Ooh! Tough one! We can have a fun time~" "No, I don't have time" I replied as I continued straight, I would spend far too long fighting them instead of sabotaging the yakuza. "Oh... Well bye~" I heard just behind me. I don't know much about them apart from the punch I gave to Shigaraki, I wonder if he still remembers that- "What are you doing here." I seemed to have run into Overhaul a little sooner than expected. "Wel-" He immediately began using his quirk on the floor and breaking it to dust. "HOW DO YOU KEEP GETTING IN HERE!?" He turned the floor to large spikes that shot to the roof in seconds. I had to quickly move back before he traps me. "STAY STILL!" I had no choice but to run, I hadn't got deep enough in the underground where I could circle some paths to lose him. The one thing I could do was take exit number 5, so at least I avoided running in the League again.

It seems I won't get much of a chance to interfere anymore, I've started to notice some security cameras were in place, probably with motion detectors. I need to wait... just until the heroes start their raid.

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