Chapter 22 - Fracture

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It's been about 2 days since the sports festival,

[Author's note: Jesus Christ the internships came fast, I mean the kids didn't even have enough time to heal from their injuries.]

and I need to do something to clear my head, so I thought of visiting the police department and for that matter, Tsukauchi.

I came into the police department and after I clearly triumphed over the policemen in terms of who has the worst eye bags, I made my way to the detective's office.

I stepped inside and saw the good-old detective as he always looked, buried under documents.

I checked his pulse, and it was still beating, in fact, as soon as I put my fingers on his neck he groaned "Give me 7 seconds... please." I stepped back and did as he asked. 7 seconds later. He slowly lifted himself off the table and cracked his neck. "Nice seeing you again Aizawa" "Likewise detective." He pushed off some documents to find his cup of coffee and took a long sip. "You know I have a meeting with an old friend of mine today so I'll be leaving soon." "That's fine, I just want to know what you know now." The detective took a large sigh, "In terms of USJ, we've got some pretty terrifying information about the 'Nomus.'" Aizawa listened attentively, "The DNA we traced from them come from a convicted villain who had already died. Additionally, we found matches of 4 other people as well." Aizawa raised his eyebrows, "4 others?" "That monster is an artificial human, probably designed to have multiple quirks." "Are you sure you can tell me this?" "No, but it's your class and I trust that you won't be an idiot knowing this information." The detective put on his coat and was at the door ready to leave, he then stopped before he closed the door. "Also! There have been a lot of sightings of that vigilante in the last 24 hours, so... pay attention." Aizawa gave a thumbs up and then the detective left.

[1 hour later]

I had some free time this morning so I decided to do a day patrol of the city. It's less likely that villains would do things in broad daylight but sometimes that thinking is exactly what villains use as well.

So far I haven't seen anything, simply crossing the buildings and looking down at parks sometimes. Perhaps I should take a break soon, seeing the civilians enjoying their days with the children does have me slightly envious. To make the most of my time, I also sometimes just observe the children to see what kind of quirks they have. I've seen some pretty interesting things sometimes, especially mutant quirks.

I turned my head slightly to look at the clouds, the breeze in the air really was comforting. I slowly closed my eyes until they shot open.

Two buildings to my left, I could see a black cloak clearly drifting in the wind, the familiar glistening of iron on their boots, the colorless helmet. It was Fist, straight across from me.

I immediately picked myself up to fight them, but before I could do anything I saw them bolt down the building onto the open road.


For one moment I saw it, there was a truck that was speeding down the road... and a pink spot was on the crosswalk. Then, people screamed and an impact raised a dust cloud high. I jumped down and immediately asked a pedestrian what happened. They could only stutter "I- I saw a girl on the crosswalk and then- the truck- there was a black flash and a loud crack..."

I shuddered at what could have happened, I quickly ran to the road and tried to see through. I couldn't make out anything beyond the dust. Then, a pink-haired girl came running out, tears across her face, "Sachie! Sachie! Come here!" a woman cried out. The girl ran to her and held her close "Sachie... Sachie... thank god... I thought I lost you."

After I saw the girl was safe, I returned my focus to the impact where the dust was finally clearing up. I saw... blood. On the truck, a massive point of impact dented the entire front. Then in front of it, there was Fist, with their helmet in shards on their head and most of it on the floor. For once I could see his uncovered head and they had white hair, clear and bright. A feeling of dread welled up inside, "did- did they stop that speeding truck... with their skull?"

I slowly walked towards them, their right hand was shivering as they held it in front of his face. I couldn't see their eyes but their expression seemed like one of fear, it was only then that I saw they had a shard of their helmet in their hands. Blood dripped from their ear and I screamed out "Fist! I don't care what you say, we need to get you to a hospital!" I tried to grab their arm but they immediately jumped back.

"Run, you're open"

"What was that?" It was only a soft mutter, but I think I heard their normal voice.


I tried to catch them but they moved faster than I could even make out, from one side of the park to the other in seconds, in a single step. As annoying as it was, I could only eat their dust. I pressed my hand against my face, "You insane bastard! You almost died!"

I went back to the kid from before, she was tightly hugging her mother. "Thank you, heroes, I don't know what I would have done if I lost her." The mother confused Fist as a hero but that doesn't matter. I slowly crouched down to the kid, "Could you tell me what happened? If that's not too much to ask." The kid wiped her tears, "Y-yes."

Listening to the kid, it started with her just going to cross the street to get to her mother. She then heard a loud screech and saw big lights approaching her fast. Then, just before she covered her face, her eyes were covered by a black hand, and then she heard a loud bang. Once the hand came down again, she saw a shattered mask with white hair and blood peeking through, she then heard a young voice cry out softly "Run. That way." and pointed to a direction in the dust. She did what she was told, and that's when she saw her mom again.

After she finished her story, I heard the sirens of an ambulance arrive. I explained the situation to the doctor, who then immediately checked the kid, and said there were no physical issues. "Doctor, what would the force of stopping that truck with a headbutt do to a normal person?" The doctor didn't hesitate at all to answer "Instant death." "What if you had a helmet?" "Even with a military-grade helmet, it would result in life-threatening trauma for a normal person with no quirk." I sighed with a hint of fear, "What is that vigilante thinking? They could have easily died there!"

"May we leave now?" the mother asked the doctor. "Yes, your child has no injuries," he then whispered in her ear, "there may be psychological trauma, be informed." She then shook a glance at me and I nodded in return. "Very well then, we shall be on our way."

The mother picked up her child onto her arm and left.


"Do you want to go to grandma?" the mother softly whispered.

"*Sniff* M-hm"

"Alright I'll give her a call, Akie is already there don't worry." The mother placed her hand on her daughter's head, "Take things slowly today, don't worry about anything...ok?"

"*Sniff* -k."

The mother took out her phone "Hello? Mom? Yes, I also want to drop off Sachie. Why? Well..."

"Sachie! Sachie! Oh come here dear..." the woman hugged her granddaughter with all her heart. "It was scary, wasn't it? Don't worry, there's nothing you need to think about now..."

The young girl was unmoving, shocked by the event, she held a stern sad face. "Sachie! Sachie!" the red-haired sibling yelled as she ran to the door. "Sachie are you ok?!" she held her siblings at her shoulders with tears in her eyes. "I- I thought I lost you..." she hugged her, and Sachie began to tear up again.

The siblings held each other tight.

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