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Color in my life seems beautiful

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Color in my life seems beautiful...

but i often wonder....

why is it always red.......

Taehyung woke up with sun rays falling onto his face.

After unfurling his eyes, he brought the duvet up to his eyes and looked around cautiously, he only had one thought in mind, 'who was he?'.

Even sleep did noht make him forget those dangerous flaming eyes, so today he decided to find the one whom those belonged to.

And for how much he thought of those eyes, it led him to only one person.

After a while, His nanny came to wake up him only to witness a gloomy Taehyung sitting near the window, deep in his thoughts.

"young prince, why are you awake so early today? any nightmares?", she looked genuinely worried for the pale boy.

"No.....its just something has been bothering me", he gazed outside into the meadows while sighing loudly. He looked cold, so somi put a shawl on his loose night wear.

"Get aside from the window, you may catch a cold", she told and closed the glass windows while pulling the curtains away.

"nanna, did you not close the windows yesterday...?", Taehyung cautiously asked almost wishing that the woman would reply affirmatively.

"ah, i did close them, why do you ask?", she answered while she moved towards the nightstand and changed the lilies in the flower vase.

"never mind, it is nothing special", Taehyung tried to brush away the sudden uneasiness that he felt.  

"would you like to use mint oil for the bath today, your highness?", the valet asked while pouring hot water inside Taehyung's  bath vessel.

"alright, do so", he laid back his head and tried to calm his senses as the valet massaged his blonde hair.

"i wish to remain alone for a while", he held his hand up as  a gesture for the valet to leave.

"What is happening to me? rather than feeling terrified, the more i think about that person."

"my heart beats faster as if all of my body's air left at once", he heaved a sigh yet again and let himself be engulfed by the water.

slowly, the water covering all of his beautiful features and his blonde strands mingling with the petals in the water.

His breath becoming shallow and his heart beating faster.

Then, as soon as he felt a sharp pain in his head, he got out of the water as the droplets trailed down his beautiful tanned body.

His blonde wet hair disheveled and his robe fitting loosely over his shoulders.

There he stood in font of a huge mirror, showcasing his magnificent beauty, he touched his cheeks lightly as he gazed on his face.

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