34. Hope You Like Hockey, Demi

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"In the living room!" I bookmark my book as Jake comes walking in, setting his duffel bag on the carpet.

He smiles when he sees me.

He just got back from his first set of away games and it was fucking torture.

The only reason I got through it was because of Evelyn and all the baby fever.

Little Asher is three months old now, and he's as sweet as can be.

The season opener was two months ago, and time has flown since then.

"So, let's chat Christmas, shall we?"

"I usually do Christmas Eve dinner with Gram and Poppy, and then I get dragged to Evelyn's for actual Christmas."

"I'm supposed to be at Greyson's family's cabin in Michigan by Christmas Eve-Eve. Maybe we could do dinner with Gram, Pops, and my sisters at Mom's place before that. Then, if you want to stay until Christmas Eve, you can fly out that night and be there for Christmas morning?" The excitement in his tone makes me smile.

"I think we could make that work."

"Mom is kind of mad at me for ditching them for Christmas this year but, you don't pass up an invite to the Rhodes's cabin. Ever. Plus, Mom was planning on bailing on us for a cruise to the Bahamas, so, I don't feel bad." He traces my palm with his forefinger. "Where's Demi?"

"Bathroom." I nod my head in that direction and he nods.

"Are you comfortable?"

I nod. "Being in the comfort of my home, and on my couch is way better than that uncomfortable recliner."

"Oh! Back to Christmas. We're getting a real tree. And you will be forced to co-decorate with me while Mariah Carey plays on full blast, we wear matching pajamas, and the Arendelle Castle Yule Log plays on the TV." He sits up straighter in excitement.

"Fine by me. But we're making paper snowflakes." It was something my mom and I used to do when I was little. She was a different person back then. Then I got sick, and everything changed.

Instead of tucking the memories away forever, I continue the tradition on my own. I don't ever want to forget what it was like to have a real mother who cared about me.

I used to think that I wouldn't get to experience that again. That feeling of someone wanting to protect you with their life. But when I look at Jake—who's still rambling on with excitement about Christmas plans—I feel that love and safety again. I know he'll never hurt me, or let anything or anyone else do so.

"... And we have to decorate outside, and the pool house, and—"

I place my hand on his forearm. "Babe. It's not even December yet."

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