10. The Deadline

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I woke up, with ringing footsteps close by. My body felt weariless, lying on the white marble, as my skin immersed in the afterglow of a good night's sleep. The unmatched supremacy of an orgasm to put a Goddess to sleep! If not anyone else, I should've known how easy sleep comes with the big, explosive 'O'. I stretch my arms, shaking off the discomfort that had somewhat settled in my bones. They hurt a little from settling against the hard floor, but a stretch and two later, I couldn't be more wronged. I needed a whole damn therapy. My neck hurt, with a thousand needles pinned down its length as I tried moving it sideways.

I reach for the bronze clip, adjusting the toga as I pull the fabric together in place, and get on my two feet. A yawn escapes me, as I watch Apollo ascend higher in the skies. Bastard. I pull the blinds together, blocking the invading rays when the doorknob turns.

"Such impudence!" I cry out loud, only to see Hermes in his weird pants that reached a little down from where his thighs curved.

"What? I was wondering if you have some toothpaste?" He rubbed his eyes, as his bare front starked with all its glory. Typical Olympian male behaviour. They all think it's good to wander with your man tiddies staring into other people's faces.

"No. And learn to announce yourself first!" I said, turning away as I waited for him to disappear.

"Fine, Zeus! You are hella sensitive." Hermes chuckled, tossing a bundle of paper on the bed. The pink ink of the headline in Ancient Greek caught my eye. Olympus Times. Wow, one night of rampage and there's news already! Did someone really try to get castrated after trying to sleep with a tree nymph? Demeter on the run, Spring will be late. Nothing as subtle as Persephone buying a new collar for Cerberus could go unnoticed by the spotboys! Nevermind. There's no news that could concern me enough…
Aphrodite to be banished forever. Meeting to be held at Pantheon.

"What the fuck!" I cried as the letters danced in front of my eyes, mocking me a little more than before.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Since when do you use the fuck, word? And-" Hermes said implably, as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Why won't you tell me? I- This is important stuff, and these idiot press only catches the news when almost half of the Olympus is aware of it, so tell me-"

"Calm the fuck down. Let me catch my breath!" Hermes frowned, plopping on my un-creased bed. Nooo…

"Calm down? It reads- BANISHED. FOREVER." I cried.

"It also reads, 'meeting to be held'," Hermes air quoted, rolling his eyes, as he spread his legs and rolled over my head.

"Stop with it already. Get off my bed!" I cried, crossing my arms. I hate messy beds, and Hermes had the worst case of stinkies. I don't want my bed to smell like my brother. Eeks. How disgusting it would be!

"I pay for the whole damned apartment, Aphrodite, and you won't even let me lay down in your bed?" He wrinkled his nose, placing his hand above his head, as he lifted one leg, and placed it on the knee of another, staring back at an angle.

"Oh come on. You are my brother. I saved your ass from Athena. You owe me too." I said in a matter-of-fact tone, and he chuckled. Is this a joke to him? Probably. The only thing he was ever serious about was some weird ball game that mortals play. They pass a round, matted thing with their legs, and strike it against a net…a bunch of them, while only one idiocratic mortal tries to stop it. Weird. Very. It seemed that Hermes had quite a boner for mortal life. He called that game … Ah! Football it is! Most of his clothing is similar to what they wear during games. Call them Jersey or something. That aside, he does this weird thing with his voice when he talks about all that shit. Ah, shit. I gotta stop using the mortal vocabulary.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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