Painful- Miguel Mora

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⚠️TW: Eating Disorder, depression
Miguel x plus-size reader

3rd POV

Since he had been busy with his career and school, Miguel hadn't noticed her odd behavior until recently. For the past few days, Y/N's appetite had been low, she jumps every time he touches her or gives her affection, wearing baggy clothes instead of her normal style, mood swings; one minute being all clingy and the next being distant, etc. But when the two do talk, Y/N seem negative about herself. He's concerned and worried all the time about her, but this is a different level.

Miguel enters their shared bedroom, after showering, and sees her staring at the wall, absentminded. He approaches the love of his life and kneels down next to her. "Hey, mi vida."

She still wasn't responding which concerned him even more. He gently touches her cheek, snapping Y/N out of her trance, feeling a warm hand on her face. She looks up to see those dark eyes of the person she fell in love with.

"Hey, you okay?"

Y/N nodded. Ever since the hate comments she have been getting on social media, Y/N haven't been the same. The comments like 'he doesn't deserve you' 'you should lose weight' 'Miguel won't love you if you are fat' 'lose some weight' and other mean things, get to her head. This has been going on for quite a while, but it hasn't affected Y/N before as much as now.

"You hungry? I can order you something if you want or making you something."

"No, I'm not hungry"

"Baby, you haven't eaten anything in days."

"..." He sighed, worriedly.

"Babe, I'm going to make you something and you are going to eat it,okay?" Miguel said, waiting for her response, but it never came. "I'm taking your silence as a yes."

When he fully closes the door, Y/N rushes to lock herself in the bathroom. Sitting on the bathroom floor, staring numbly at the wall in front of her.

Meanwhile, Miguel prepares a bowl of chicken salad. He pours some in a small bowl, heading towards what he thinks is where she is. When he opens the bedroom, she are nowhere to be found. Miguel places the bowl on her nightstand, looking around the room for his girlfriend.

Miguel sees the bathroom door open and walks towards the bathroom. Leaning on the doorway, he sees her numbly staring into space.

"Alright, what's going on with you?"

"Nothing. I'm fine."

"Tell me."


"Y/N, tell me or I'll force you to eat the food."

Y/N decided to just eat the food. Miguel felt happy and relieved that his girlfriend was going to start eating again. He leads her to the bed, and once Y/N sat down on her side of the bed, he placed the bowl of chicken salad on her lap. He put on a her favorite movie to watch. Miguel gets up to leave.

"I'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."

"Okay..." Y/N says in a small voice, twisting the food around on her plate, looking more depressed than ever. Miguel's heart breaks at seeing his girlfriend like this. He knows Y/N had struggled with depression before, so it wasn't easy.

Miguel leaves the room, not knowing what Y/N had done the moment he turned around. He enters the kitchen, washing the dishes, and putting the dried dishes away.

He sighs, feeling helpless. Miguel thinks she might have an eating disorder, he isn't sure. For the  next few days, Miguel tries to help Y/N with her eating issues, but it hasn't been easy.

She plays with her food during dinner, refusing to eat. She won't come out of the room for days. He has to physically bring her food, and sit with her until she finishes.

When Miguel would leave the room to take the empty plate down to the sink, Y/N would run to the bathroom and force herself to vomit.

Until one day, Miguel decides to talk to her about it and get her the help she needs. He enters the room, spotting her watching a movie.

"Hey, can we talk?" Miguel sits on the bed, slowly. She turns her head to look at him, nodding.

"Sure." Y/N speaks in a small voice as she turns off the TV.

"Look, I-I know you don't want to hear this, but maybe you should get help." Miguel chooses his words carefully in order not to spook her.

"I don't need help."

"Y/N, I'm just worried about you and want to help you get better."

"I told you, I don't need or want help."

"Y/N, I'm not gonna force you to get help, but I'm trying to look out for you."

Y/N stays silent for a few moments, then the next words that leave her mouth break Miguel's heart more.

"I just want to be pretty."

"What are you talking about? You are pretty, beautiful even." Miguel questions weekly, swallowing back the tears in his eyes,

"Not like those girls on social media."

"What do you mean, ma?"

"Their skinny, blonde, have perfect eyes and hair, clear skin, big ass and boobs." You feel a sob wanting to come out of your throat. You manage to croak out; "I just want to meet your standards."

Miguel didn't think it was possible for his heart to break even more, but it did. He sees you sob and carefully takes you in his arms. You keep repeating 'I just want to be pretty.'

"Shh, it's okay. You are pretty. I'm going to help you and everything's going to be fine."

972 words

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