Chaoter 1: I love(d) you

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'I love you'

Those were the words my boyfriend told me on many occasions but yet, here i am staring at a photo he posted on instagram kissing another girl.

I let the tears drop for my eyes. I trusted him.
I let out sob after sob, i can't beleive he'd do this to me. I should of known better.

I crawl out of my bed and drive myself to my best friend Staci's house blinking away the tears that blur my vision.

I walk through the front door walking past the living room and kitchen and all the rooms in between. I walk down the hallway to her room and open the door.

She's not here.

I lean my head against the doorway letting out sobs. I need her right now.

"Are you alright Zo?" I hear a voice behind me. Jamie. My best friends older brother.

"Where's Staci?" I sniffle keeping myself in the same position.
"Out with our parents."
I nod my head against the doorframe.

I feel hands on my waist pulling me up.

"What's wrong?" Jamie asks tucking a peice of my hair behind my ear. I bite my lip holding in a sob, my eyes darting all over the hallway. More tears come out my eyes.

"Zoey, what's going on?" He asks again. I lock my eyes with his.

"H-he cheated." I mutter. His features go softer.

"I'm so sorry." He says pulling me close to him wrapping his arms all the way around me.

I slip my arms around his neck sobbing into it.

"It's not your fault Zoey." I feel his hands rubbing my back.

"I should've tried harder, i should've been prettier, i should of done more. I'm not good enough for anyone." I sob into his neck.

I hear him take a quick breath in and sniff.

"He's not worth it Zoey, your so fucking perfect and if he can't see it he's the one that's not good enough for you." He holds me tightly close to his body.

I feel something wet sliding down my shoulder to my back. His tears.

"Why are you crying?" I ask into his neck.

"It hurts me seeing you like this." He sniffs.

"I'm sorry Jamie, i'm so sorry." I say holding him tighter.

"Don't be sorry, don't be sorry at all." He says.

I pull my head out his neck looking at him. His hands come up wiping my tears as he cups my face. His eyes are slightly bloodshot. How can he still look so good after he cried.


I help Zoey into Staci's room sitting her on the edge of the bed.

I walk to the draw pulling out pajamas and putting them next to her. I bob down so i'm face to face with her, i put my hands on her knees rubbing them.

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