The Incident

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It had been 5 months since their parents died from infected. 

5 months since Maeve had been bitten. 

5 months since she had found out she was immune. 

5 months since they set out for the Boston QZ from their home in Colorado.

It was just her and her older brother Daniel, roughing it out in hopes of a better situation. 

Maeve was 6 years old as Daniel was 13. 

The two had been traveling for months after Daniel made contact with a woman named Marlene through an old radio, and after he had explained their situation, Marlene had advised them to head to the Boston QZ where she would make sure they would both be safe. 


That's what all of this was for. 

That's the only thing Daniel wanted as he traversed the rough terrain with his younger sister. 

He knew the potential that she had, understood that she was capable of something more.

So even on the days when the lack of sleep and food had completely depleted his energy, he kept on going.

For her.

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After the long and treacherous journey that had exhausted the two kids, it was in sight. 

The Boston QZ. 

The place that would help them, put them in a better circumstance than where they were now. 

100 ft. out, 100 small feet away from help. 

But this new world was unforgiving, relentless, and terribly cold. 

As Maeve and Daniel approached the entryway of the QZ, a pack of infected came running right towards them. 

They immediately went for Daniel, tackling him as Maeve was taken to the ground as well.
However, the infected hadn't attacked her. 

They had ignored her presence, almost as if she wasn't there. 

Maeve couldn't think about that as she saw the scene in front of her. 

Daniel, fighting for his life, trying to get the infected off of him. 

But as he kicked and fought one off of him, another would latch on, tearing him apart.

"Daniel! No!" Maeve screamed as she lunged towards the infected attacking her brother.

She tried to pull them off of him, but it was no use as one of the infected turned around and clawed Maeve away from her brother, creating a huge gash starting from the top of her shoulder blade that ended at the bottom of her back.

As the infected continued to swarm her brother, she caught sight of Marlene and the squad that she had pulled together to get to the two kids, knowing that the little girl was of high value.

Maeve sat beside the swarm of infected that had now engrossed her brother.

Her brother, the only person she had left. 

The only person she had been living for.

The only person that made her feel whole. 

She sat with a numb look on her face before Marlene quickly came beside her, shooting away the infected that threatened to come near her, and grabbed Maeve, pulling her away from the scene to safety. 

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