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It was now the next day as Maeve, Ellie, Joel, and Tess had all settled in an abandoned building for the night.

Maeve hadn't slept a wink, the thought of what Joel and Tess were going to do her and Ellie made her restless.

She faced away from Joel and Tess who she had heard silently talking amongst themselves as she laid near Ellie, who was still sleeping.

Suddenly, Ellie began to move as she woke up, causing Maeve to sit up.

As Ellie's eyes peeled open, it took her a moment to remember what had happened the previous night, but once she took a second to collect herself, she glanced over towards Maeve who held a nervous look.

Ellie furrowed her brow at the distressed look on the younger girl before she heard a chair creak from beside them, immediately remembering that they were not alone.

She turned towards Joel and Tess, once again realizing that they had found out about Maeve's immunity. 

Joel and Tess looked between the two girls with a serious scowl as Joel sat with his gun in hand, focusing his attention primarily on Maeve, waiting, anticipating for something to happen.

"Morning." Ellie said casually, trying to diffuse some of the tension between the two adults.

From beside her, Maeve began to lift up her arm to rub the tiredness from her eyes when Joel immediately pointed his gun in her direction, making the young girl drop her arm as her eyes went wide. 

"Woah. Calm down. Does she look like shes infected?" Ellie immediately moved in front of the girl. 

"Show us your collar bone." Joel said quickly, peering around Ellie to make eye contact with Maeve, implying that he was speaking to her.

Maeve simply glanced towards Ellie before sighing, lightly pulling down the collar of her jumper once again, revealing her nasty-looking scar.

Their eyebrows furrowed at the sight as Maeve looked at them, slightly annoyed.

"It's not going to get any worse." Maeve stated simply, slightly shocking the two adults as she hadn't talked much in the time they had been together.

Joel and Tess shared a glance before Ellie decided to get some of the attention off of Maeve. 

"While were on the topic, I've got a scar myself." She said so nonchalantly, as if it was just another interesting fun fact and not a life-altering immunity she possessed.

The two adults then looked back towards Ellie with an even greater look of confusion as Ellie raised her sleeve showing them her scar. 

"You've got to be shitting me." Tess said, not believing what was happening. No wonder Marlene wanted to keep these two girls safe.

"Happened three weeks ago, and nothing has changed. We are fine." Ellie continued, no longer weary of allowing the adults in on their secret.

"I mean, that's not even Maeve's only bite!" She said with a laugh, getting carried away with the topic as the attention was redirected towards Maeve who was looking at Ellie as though she had lost her mind.

Obviously the idea of a secret was something new to Ellie.

Maeve looked back up towards the adults who were now just completely dumbfounded.

"What?" Tess said rather harshly, as Maeve slowly rolled up the leg of her pants revealing the same nasty looking scar along her ankle. 

Joel looked towards the younger girl with a glint of curiosity and concern.

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