Long Way Around

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After a dangerous journey to another part of town, the group of 4 now found themselves in a dark maintenance tunnel underneath the city. 

With the flashlight being their only source of light in the dark, damp tunnel, Maeve was having a hard time keeping her footing. 

Murky puddles littered the floor as Maeve slipped. Joel fortunately had been walking behind her as he grabbed her arm before she could hit the floor, settling her upright before continuing to move. 

He then shone his flashlight to a small sign near the side of the tunnel they were in that read 'Caution: Slippery When Wet'. Joel looked back at her, almost silently teasing her, as Maeve just shook her head with a soft smile on her face. 

Henry then spoke up, "You see? It's empty. The plan is good." Maeve didn't miss the slight quiver in his voice. 

Joel was quick to shush him. "'The plan is good'? We've been down here two seconds. We don't know anything." 

Henry looked towards Ellie and Maeve as he retorted, "Your dad's kind of a pessimist."

Ellie and Joel spoke in sync as Maeve stayed quiet,

"He's not our dad."

"I'm not their dad."

"Just point your light forward, and be ready to run." Joel instructed as they began moving through the tunnels. 

Maeve snuck up to the front of the group, getting a bit ahead of herself as she took in all her surroundings. Joel was quick to put an arm out in front of her, gently guiding her behind him.

"Sorry." She mumbled quietly. 

The group continued to walk through the cold and dingy tunnels, no noise other than the soft hum of electricity or occasional creak of the world that was just above them. 

So far so good. Maeve thought.

Ellie walked protectively behind Maeve, ensuring that nothing would sneak up on her. She watched as the younger girl tapped her fingers together to form a pattern. 1-2-3-3-4 and then reverse, 4-3-3-2-1. Ellie sensed the girl was nervous and proceeded to watch their surroundings more closely. She felt responsible for Maeve in a way. 

The tunnels eventually narrowed down into a small walkway. Joel did a quick sweep of the group before entering the hall. As they walked, the light from their flashlights seemed to reach an end. 

As the narrow hallway ceased, Maeve shone her flashlight around the walls. Walls that were covered in pictures? Hand-drawn images of small children, scenic landscapes, and decadent murals were littered all around. 

She gently wiped her finger along one of the premature suns, the rays slightly dull and faded, a chalky yellow residue resided on her fingertip as she inspected the images further. Kids had been here, no scratch that, families had been here. This was a community. 

"Woah." Ellie exasperated as she too was taken aback by the colored walls.

On the very last wall was a doorway, the arches of it painted to represent the entrance of a castle. 

Maeve watched as Sam went up to open the door, only to be stopped abruptly by Joel. 

"No." Joel mouthed to the younger boy. 

Joel then went in first, opening the heavy metal door with a loud creak. 

Maeve could see the room was dimly lit as they all filed in one by one. 

She was taken aback to see even more walls covered in drawings. The colors now dull, yet the happiness the pictures represent kept them vibrant, glowing. 

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